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Yummy Yummy
180506 JYJ Junsu singing at Stylist's Wedding
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[Eng Sub] April 30, 2018 Kim Jaejoong Skatto Japan - part 1 of 5
[Eng Sub] April 30, 2018 Kim Jaejoong Skatto Japan - part 2 of 5
Jaejoong in Hulu Japan
Hulu Japan公式
via yakamoz109
Too funny!
20180505 jj_1986_jj IG Story
Vid via yakamoz109
I.. I was about to go to sleep... But I can’t fall asleep somehow... Keep doing this... to you at this hour... Sorry, everyone -
via crystalmoon0213
[TopStarNews] Kim Jaejoong's Comeback dominates Japanese Charts: HMV, Amazon, etc! http://www.topstarnews.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=406004&spi_ref=m_search_twitter#_enliple …
as tagged
Great morning for me!
[IG] Looks like I’m being scolded for touching the cell phone
Translations via crystalmoon0213
JYJ’s Park Yoochun To Hold Fan Meeting In Korea On His Birthday - https://www.hellokpop.com/news/jyj-park-yoochun-fan-meeting-birthday/ …
JYJ’s Yoochun will celebrate his upcoming birthday with fans!
JYJ member Park Yoochun will meet his fans in South Korea for the first time following his military discharge last year.The fan meeting will be held at the YES24 Live Hall on the singer-actor’s birthday on June 4 at 8 p.m.
He previously met fans in Japan through his fan meeting Reunion: Remember the Memories on March 10 and 11. A DVD of his fan meeting and mini concert was also released.
Through the event, he is expected to resume his activities in South Korea after taking a hiatus due to his mandatory military service. Still, aside from the fan meeting, no other activities of Yoochun in South Korea has been made public as of press time.
But, fans are hopeful that the singer-actor will return with a new project soon — either as a singer or actor.
Yoochun has released songs as a member of JYJ and successfully transitioned into acting. He is known for his roles in Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Miss Ripley, Rooftop Prince, and Missing You. Before enlisting, he starred in the SBS’ drama A Girl Who Sees Smells.
hellokpop @hellokpop
facebook.com/CJESJYJ/posts/1629906110438080 …
Official announcement YC's FM (in Japan) in May has been postponed because of visa issue. not because of Yuchun but due to paper issue by japan's organizer
Tokyo 5/6→7/24
Shizuoka 5/8→7/23
Nagoya 5/10→7/5
Osaka 5/14,15→7/10,11
Hiroshima 5/17→7/2
Oita 5/19, 20→6/27,28
JYJ’s Jaejoong will be releasing his first Japanese solo single!
Yes, that is right! JYJ‘s Jaejoong will be releasing his first Japanese solo single called ‘Sign/Your Love‘.
It was revealed on live broadcast of NHK radio SP called ‘In Love With Jaejoong‘. There will be a total of four tracks in the CD with a limited edition which will also include a DVD of the music video.
Jaejoong said that it will be a sad and painful ballad track that will convey his honest emotions. This new single will also be unveiled for the first time at his concert called ‘The Reunion In Memory‘ which will be on June 26th and 27th in Yokohama Arena.
There will also be a total of four version of this CD. The first version is the limited edition A which will include the CD and a DVD of MV and making of ‘Sign‘ MV. Limited edition B will include the CD and a DVD of MV and making of ‘Love‘ MV. There is also a regular edition of only the CD. Finally, there will be a FC limited edition which will include the CD and 16 page booklet.
The tracklist itself includes four tracks. The tracks is ‘Sign‘ and its instrumental version and ‘Your Love‘ and its instrumental version.
Meanwhile, Jaejoong will drop his first Japanese solo single on June 27th. Are you excited? Let us know in the comments below!
Officially Kmusic will keep you updated, so stay tuned!
Source (1) (2)
Written and edited by Tracey
Officially Kmusic @OfficialKmusic
Ambassador Jaejoong for Paradise City
百乐达斯城 weibo https://weibo.com/5955084865/GeUuMcCNW … http://wx3.sinaimg.cn/large/006v0VBTgy1fqxxvg7ilnj30dw0dwq6i.jpg …
百乐达斯城 weibo https://weibo.com/5955084865/GeUv4crSB …
via kiss_jyj3
[사진] il_ma.re IG 1박2일간의 교육을 위해 떠난 사람들
준수 백업 @XIAinfo
[Oh! Japan TR]
via crystalmoon0213
[pre-order] HMV Japan:
Sign/Your Love [First Press Limited Edition A] (CD+DVD): http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/artist_Jaejoong_000000000448130/item_Sign-Your-Love-First-Press-Limited-Edition-A-CD-DVD_8810085 …
Sign/Your Love [First Press Limited Edition B] (CD+DVD): http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/artist_Jaejoong_000000000448130/item_Sign-Your-Love-First-Press-Limited-Edition-B-CD-DVD_8810086 …
Sign/Your Love [Standard Edition] (CD):
Jaefans news (public post): additional info on the new single
via rubypurple_fan
[News Summary] JYJ's Kim Jaejoong announces his first solo single in Japan on June 27! •http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=109&aid=0003773734&lfrom=twitter … •http://s.wowkorea.jp/news/read/212002/ …
Jaejoong New single in Japan info: "Sign/Your Love" Info:http://jaefans.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=news&wr_id=85 … Links to buy it: •https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07CPF5FDM/ref=sr_1_3?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1525310270&sr=1-3 … •https://www.sonymusicshop.jp/m/arti/artiItm.php?site=S&ima=0925&dS2SPH=1&cd=79001082 … •http://www.hmv.co.jp/artist_%E3%82%B8%E3%82%A7%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A5%E3%83%B3_000000000448130/item_Sign-Your-Love-%E3%80%90%E5%88%9D%E5%9B%9E%E7%94%9F%E7%94%A3%E9%99%90%E5%AE%9A%E7%9B%A4A%E3%80%91-CD-DVD_8810085 …
The new song is scheduled to be released for the first time at the single live "The Reunion in Memory" planned to be held at Yokohama Arena on June 26th and 27th. !! cr: https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20180502-00000222-sph-ent …
[JJweibo]Happy day 1 https://m.weibo.cn/6519755475/4235312534540150 …
[JJweibo]Happy day 2 https://m.weibo.cn/6519755475/4235314476557334 …
재중백업 @JJinfo_
via momsykris
KISS_JYJ @kiss_jyj3
JJ Tweets
kimjaejoong @bornfreeonekiss
kimjaejoong @bornfreeonekiss
ジェジュンが6月27日に日本初のソロシングル発売 「Sign/Your Love」(スポーツ報知) - Yahoo!ニュース https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20180502-00000222-sph-ent … @YahooNewsTopics
kimjaejoong @bornfreeonekiss
ジェジュン日本初シングル「感情を正直に伝えた曲」(日刊スポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20180502-00197000-nksports-ent … @YahooNewsTopics
As per news, he will perform his single during the June 26 Yokohama concert.
via rubypurple_fan
古家正亨/Furuya Masayuki @furuyamasayuki0
らじる @nhk_radiru
JJ said that it feels so good to sleep with his cats. Smells good too
JJ‘ reward to himself is to eat 3cup ramens before going to bed if he is off next day
via angel33wing
Jaejoong: "I feel like a newcomer like when I was 17 years old and I'm doing my best everyday!"
First song: Good morning night.
Second song: Butterfly
Jaejoong "In late June, I will be releasing the first solo single in Japan! The title is "Sign"! This is my first solo single, so I'm aiming for the rookie award! LOL
Third song: I'll protect you
What words does jaejoong hang on to when he is depressed? Jaejoong: I choose "If you want, you can do it!" Great words, is it not?
Fourth song: Heaven
Jaejoong "Originally I wasn't interested in cameras, but in Korean variety shows!" -"Are you also praised by your teacher?" Jaejoong "Pretty much!.. I'm sorry.. I feel glad when I'm praised and still a child's heart!"
Jaejoong: "I feel lonely in Japan, so I adopted 2 cats.. they're Koko and Nene!"
"Where does Jaejoong want to travel on a large consecutive holidays? Jaejoong "New York! ... I don't know New Caledonia! I will search it when this program is over! Haha"
Jaefans* Global™ 🌐 @Jaefans_Global
JJ on NHK radio
From 10:10p.m. tonight radio program “In love with Jaejoong” there's 3 patterns of’Jingle’ (jingle means inserted short BGM or song played before & after CM in radios)recorded with Jaejoong’s voice. Wonder where those get broadcasted. Pls look forward
via angel33wing
らじる @nhk_radiru
[Line] Frequency fixed! What if Jaejoong becomes a radio DJ Tonight with Jaejoong’s sweet voice, Check compatibility with listeners ‘Sync check with Jaejoong’ Title: NHK Radio 1 “in love with Jaejoong” Broadcast: May 2 10:10 PM Site: http://nhk.or.jp/radiosp/jjlove
via rubypurple_fan
#Kimjaejoong #Radio Awesome! We can listen to JaeJoong’s sweet voice live! Enjoy JJ’s special program on the NHK radio station! #1010pm #tonight #Cjestagram
Jaejoong on Japanese TV
via momsykris
DC_Jellery @DC_Jellery
Gorgeous model/photographer
via kiss_jyj3
[MENTION]180501 ‘Laundry’ Jin Tae-Hwa, actor resembling the innocence and sincerity.
…Jin Tae-hwa said, “Kim Junsu suggested that I try to do a musical once in a while, so that I was worried about. It was then that we started the musicals formally. ”
Source: Slist News
Trans/Shared by: Kim Junsu-XIA
Yahoo Japan Hot Topic #1 is Jaejoong!!! https://www.yahoo.co.jp/
Kim Jaejoong on Japanese broadcast!
via angel33wing
JJ said it’s embarrassing to show his nipple
via angel33wing
via angel33wing
JJ said his type is that mother (Chie Oka)
via angel33wing
Jaejoong's Pic @JJsPic
[Trans] Fall in love with Hifumi-san!
kimjaejoong @bornfreeonekiss
[Trans] Funny Sukatto
Looking forward to
오늘 저녁은 재중과 함께❕❕ #스캇토재팬 보면서 하루 마무리하기💛
今夜はジェジュンと一緒に #スカッとジャパン 見ながら一日の総仕上げを
#김재중 #오늘저녁 #7시57분 #日예능 #후지TV #스캇토재팬 #게스트#전격출연 #본방사수 #ジェジュン #スカッとジャパン #痛快TV Finish your day with #JaeJoong Catch up with him on『SKATTO JAPAN』 tonight! #757pm #Guest
[Line] ‘2018 Park Yuchun fanmeeting & mini concert: Remember the memories’ that was held on Mar 10, 11 in Tokyo will be released as a DVD. Pre-order starts: Apr 30, 6 pm~ Site: http://www.k-starmall.com/shopbrand/yuchun2018/ …
via rubypurple_fan
【公式】痛快TV スカッとジャパン@sukatto_japan
Previous Week's News:
JYJ CAFFEINE: JYJ News Week of 4/23- 4/29/2018 http://jyjcaffeine.blogspot.com/2018/04/jyj-news-week-of-423-4292018.html?spref=tw