[IG] “ Jaejoong-a, so pretty, your ab muscles r so pretty”
Let’s refrain from a sudden, unplanned exposure at the shoot location in the future lol I haven’t been able to exercise for 2 months
*You will have access to his Bonus Chapter along with other various benefits if you purchase the pass before December 25th.
[Shortcut to Jae Joong Kim's Class]
[Introduction of Jae Joong Kim's Class]
Winter of December 26th 2003, was when Jae Joong Kim made his debut in front of his audience. He has made history by staying active in the industry for 17 years. He has made songs to share his stories and messages. He also participated in a group and has worked as a solo for a long time. Listen to what he has to say about his life as a musician and his music through Wonderwall.
Art, changes Life
Wonderwall aims to provide the viewers, who wish to become an artist themselves, with an influential artist's philosophy, inspiration, and unique process of their creation on top of their know-hows and knowledge in order for possible re-creation by new artists. We want the viewers to be able to get one step closer to art through Wonderwall. From starting to perform in any form of art, re-creating and developing to creating your own, we wish that art itself along with the artists in it can meet through Wonderwall.
Even if everything becomes uniformed and simple and lost in meaning, art can show and shine our value.
All of what you desire as art, here at Wonderwall.
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김준수, ‘미스트롯2’의 따뜻한 마스터 (출처 : 스포츠경향 | 네이버 TV연예) http://naver.me/x7tOtKEE
"Kim Junsu is known for giving heart-felt and sensitive advice based on his own experience. His sincerity and candid reactions created die-hard fans of the show in the 20s and 30s age group." #mrtrot#misstrot2
[Editorial] KBS vs KIM JUNSU, an 11-year old Controversy
Singer Kim Junsu and KBS are still on edge regarding his appearance or lack thereof on terrestrial broadcast variety shows. After a decade, grudges still remain.
The past Nov 11th, one viewer posted a petition on the KBS Viewers' Rights website, under the title 'I would like to see Kim Junsu sing on broadcast TV.' The petition garnered over 3,000 signatures [1] as well as an official response from the relevant department.
Chief producer Kim Gwangsu of KBS Variety Center who heads 'Music Bank,' explained "'Music Bank' is a weekly ranking show based on digital and physical albums sales, number of broadcasts and viewer preference. We cast singers on our show among those that wish to make an appearance and who are active during the relevant period. Therefore, if a singer does not express the wish to be active (활동 의사) we cannot reveal whether or not they can make an appearance. Also, it is hard for us to explain the reason why we do not cast a particular artist."
He went on, saying "The casting process for 'Music Bank' is inevitably accompanied by inclusions and exclusions. If we explain why there was no choice but to exclude an artist, both the artist and fans might take it as disparagement. It is my understanding that this is why broadcast stations do not explain their reasoning for not casting someone. We plan on providing fair opportunities to diverse singers."
KBS' position holds true: inclusion and exclusion are inevitable in the casting process for a music show given its nature. But the phrase "if a singer does not express the wish to be active" leaves room for suspicion. Kim Junsu's agency, CJeS Entertainment released a statement saying "He has posed the question numerous times through press media with regards to why he is unable to appear on terrestrial broadcast variety shows. It is difficult to accept the position that we did not want to make an appearance."
As the two opposing camps came to a head, a decade-old issue resurfaced. The uncomfortable relationship between JYJ and KBS go back 11 years. Kim Junsu made his debut in 2004 with the boyband TVXQ but left SME in 2009 with two bandmates Park Yuchun and Kim Jaejoong to join his current agency, CJeS Ent. as a new boy group JYJ.
In the process, however, they applied for a preliminary injunction order for the invalidation of the exclusive contract and a long, drawn-out legal battle ensued. In October of 2010, The Korea Popular Culture & Arts Industry League (Pop Culture League) sent out an official notice asking for broadcast stations and digital music vendors to restrain the appearance of JYJ [2].
In February of 2011, all lawsuits brought by SME were dismissed; yet in July of the same year, JYJ was unilaterally informed by KBS Jeju that their upcoming appearance on the 'Jeju's 7 Natural Wonders Special Live' had been cancelled. In July of 2013, the Fair Trade Commission issued a correction order to SME and Pop Culture League, thereby officially clearing the way for JYJ to freely appear on broadcast shows - it was 4 years after the injunction was brought to court. This, of course, was only nominally "official" and JYJ still faced obstacles against appearing on network music shows.
Kim Junsu went on to make his first music show appearance after leaving SME on April 30th, 2015 on the EBS music program 'Space Empathy.' Junsu, along with Jaejoong and ex-JYJ member Park Yuchun, have made sporadic appearances on culture channels and dramas but they have still not been seen on network music or variety shows.
Junsu, in particular, had strongly voiced his will to appear on music programs in every interview he gave. As such, it seems KBS will not be able to escape criticism for their "if a singer does not express the desire to be active" statement.
* Foot notes are my own
[1] The KBS petition board requires a certain amount of signatures before making a response, usually within hours of achieving the number of signees. Junsu's petition reached the required signatures on the first day. It took nearly a month for KBS to respond.
[2] When the notice became controversial, the president of the League hastily backtracked by saying "It was not an official order, merely a request. It had no real coercive effect." Soon after, copies of the original surfaced and showed itself to have all the trappings of an official document including a filing number. The Fair Trade Commission later concluded The League and SME had been cooperating on this matter.src
Original text
가수 김준수가 지상파 예능 프로그램 출연을 두고 KBS와 여전한 대립각을 보이고 있다. 10여년의 세월이 흘렀지만, 앙금은 여전히 남아있는 셈이다.
11일 KBS 시청자권익센터에 한 시청자는 ‘가수 김준수의 무대를 방송에서 보고싶습니다’라는 청원을 올렸다. 해당 청원이 3000명 이상의 동의를 받으며 유관부서의 공식 답변을 이끌어냈다.
‘뮤직뱅크’ 책임 프로듀서를 맡고 있는 KBS 예능센터 김광수 CP는 “‘뮤직뱅크’는 주간으로 음원, 음반 판매량, 방송 횟수, 시청자 선호도 등에 따라 순위를 정하여 발표하는 프로그램”이라며 “해당 기간에 활동하는 가수 중 출연을 희망하는 가수들 사이에서 섭외를 진행하고 있다. 그러므로 활동 의사를 밝히지 않은 가수에 대해 출연 가부를 밝힐 수는 없다. 또한 특정 아티스트를 어떠한 이유로 섭외하지 않는가를 설명 드리기는 어렵다”고 설명했다.
또 KBS는 “‘뮤직뱅크’의 섭외는 어쩔 수 없이 선택과 배제의 성격을 동시에 가지게 된다. 불가피하게 배제된 이유를 설명할 경우 아티스트나 해당 팬들은 자칫 폄하로 받아들일 수 있기 때문이다. 따라서 캐스팅하지 않은 이유를 설명하는 방송사는 없는 것으로 알고 있다”며 “앞으로 다양한 가수들에게 공정한 기회를 제공할 계획”이라고 덧붙였다.
KBS의 입장과 같이 음악방송의 특성상 무대에 설 수 있는 출연진을 섭외하는 과정에서 선택과 배제는 필연적이다. 하지만 ‘활동 의사를 밝히지 않는 가수’란 발언엔 의구심이 든다. 김준수의 소속사 씨제스 엔터테인먼트는 “지상파 예능 출연과 관련해 그간 언론을 통해 수차례 출연 불가 된 이유를 물은 바 있다. 우리가 출연 의사가 없었다는 것은 납득이 어렵다”는 입장이다.
두 집단의 의견이 엇갈리면서 자연스럽게 십수년 전의 해묵은 이슈가 수면 위로 올라왔다. JYJ와 KBS의 불편한 관계는 11년 전으로 거슬러 올라간다. 김준수는 지난 2004년 그룹 동방신기로 데뷔했으나 2009년 SM엔터테인먼트를 떠나 박유천, 김재중과 현 소속사인 씨제스 엔터테인먼트에 둥지를 틀었고 JYJ로 활동을 시작했다.
하지만 이 과정에서 전 소속사에 전속계약 효력금지 가처분 신청을 냈고, 오랜 기간 전속계약 분쟁이 이어졌다. 2010년 10월 한국대중문화예술산업총연합회(문산연)는 JYJ의 방송 섭외와 출연 등을 제지할 것을 요청하는 공문을 방송국과 음원 유통 사이트 등으로 발송했다.
2011년 2월 SM엔터테인먼트가 제기한 소송이 모두 기각됐지만 JYJ는 그해 7월 KBS제주로부터 ‘제주 7대 경관 기원 KBS 특집 5월 생방송’ 출연이 취소됐다는 통보를 받았다. 2013년 7월 공정거래위원회가 SM엔터테인먼트와 문산연에 시정명령을 내리면서 공식적으로 JYJ의 방송출연이 자유로워졌다. 가처분 신청을 낸 지 4년만이다. 물론 이는 ‘공식적’일 뿐이지 실제로 JYJ의 지상파 음악 방송 출연은 순탄치 않았다.
이후 김준수는 2015년 4월 30일 EBS의 음악 프로그램인 ‘스페이스 공감’에 출연하면서 SM엔터테인먼트를 떠난 이래 최초로 제대로 된 음악 프로그램에서 노래를 불렀다. 하지만 김준수를 비롯해 김재중과 JYJ 전 멤버인 박유천도 지상파 드라마와 교양국 채널에서는 간간히 모습을 드러냈지만, 음악 및 예능국 프로그램 출연은 볼 수 없었다.
특히 김준수의 경우는 인터뷰를 통해 매번 음악 방송과 관련해 출연 의지를 강하게 내비쳐왔던 터라, KBS의 ‘활동 의사를 밝히지 않는 가수’라는 발언은 도무지 이해하기 어렵다는 비판을 피할 순 없을 것으로 보인다.
Previously, KBS announced its position on Junsu's exclusion from appearing on KBS 2TV's 'Music Bank.' They stated it was difficult to explain why they didn't invite Junsu to 'Music Bank'
Since then, Junsu's agency made a response statement saying they do not understand KBS's position.
C-Jes Entertainment told a news media outlet on December 14th, that "We've
asked the media countless times why he was banned from appearing on
broadcast entertainment shows. It's hard to understand when KBS stated
that we did not show any intentions of appearing on the show."
a petition was posted on the official website of the KBS Viewers'
Rights Center asking Junsu to appear on KBS music programs such as
'Music Bank.' The petition was signed by more than 3,000 people. In this
regard, the CP of KBS's entertainment center in charge of producing
'Music Bank' replied that 'Music Bank' is a program that invites artists
based on the music sales, album sales, the number of broadcast plays,
and viewer points during the week.
KBS stated, "Therefore, we invite artists who show their
intentions of attending the program from among the singers who were
actively promoting during that period. We cannot say whether or not a
singer who has not expressed their intention to perform will be
Junsu debuted in 2004 as a member of SM Entertainment's TVXQ.
He left SM Entertainment in 2009 and signed a contract with C-Jes
Entertainment in 2010, and has never appeared in any music broadcasts
shows in the past decade.
Ballad from dance song, musical to genre! Happy birthday to the coolest singer and musical actor #junsu singing on stage
The Afterglow of the best untact concert ever XIA 26th XIA 27th see you again at the online #mubalkon winter cold in one shot #xia Join us at #anbang1yeol#vipsuk with the voice of #orchestra
[INFO] Kim Jaejoong - K-Pop Music Art Class:
Price: ₩199,000 ($182.90)
Start: January 8th, 2021
Event Deadline: Dec 25, 2020
"When I close my eyes, the image of everyone who felt happy while looking at me is so vivid before my eyes that I don’t even know how many times I closed my eyes."
Jaejoong really loves us
20201203 ジェジュン Kim Jaejoong IG LIVE with Yu Shirota
via only jae
JJ IG live! He’s talking with 城田優 now.
BREAKING DAWN CD will be released a January.#ジェジュン is so happy with its MV.
#ジェジュン IG Live
Soon after he began IG live in Korean, 城田優-kun joined him . Then IG Live became a talk show of two gorgeous men.
Yu was already in bed, staying in Osaka for his musical.
#ジェジュン IG Live
Thanks to #城田優-kun JJ switched from Korean to Japanese! They miss each other.
Yu: I saw you in FNS last nigh. The view was stunning.
J: Don’t you appear in FNS this year?
Y: Next week. I’ll sing Hirai Ken’s song.
#ジェジュンIG Live
#城田優 complimented JJ for speaking some foreign languages. Yu said he speaks Spanish a bit (his mom is a Spanish) but he spoke some Korean words tonight, considering JJ’s Korean fans, like “pen: fan” “Annyon haseyo” “Where’s your house? “ So cute!
#ジェジュ IG Live
As for The Last On-Cert JJ complained again about getting tickets.
JJ: In short we are getting old.
Yu: No no we’re still 5 years old in our hearts!!
′′ I receive a big energy that I can't express my fans and audience through concert or musical stage. However, in the hard situation called Corona 19, many performance artists are disappearing and reduced in a difficult reality. I think it will be such a big strength and courage for the hard and hard cultural performance artists if you join the happy bean funding with coffee warehouse."
※ the proceeds that occurs with this project will be delivered to the Korean Art Culture Group General Association, and it will be used for the job creation and stable employment environment.
* Purchases of products through domestic/Japanese sites are available from 10 am on 4th(Fri.) and global purchases using ‘qoo10’ are available from 7th (Mon). Please check the sales site for more information.
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