JYJ to Hold Exclusive Street Concert for Gangnam Hallyu Festival
Heading to the streets of Yeongdeungdaero, JYJ will be showcasing an exclusive concert.
On September 15, C-JeS Entertainment stated, "Currently gaining popularity in Asia, Europe, South America, and more, JYJ will be holding an exclusive concert at Seoul′s Yeongdeungdaero on October 5. At this Gangnam Hallyu Festival, JYJ is planning on spending 2 meaningful hours with fans who love hallyu.

The Gangnam Festival, which will hold its fourth event in 2014, is the largest festival in the Gangnam district that takes place on the first week of October every year. During this time, the event holds the ′Fashion Festival,′ the ′International Peace Marathon,′ the ′Hallyu Festival,′ and the ′Gangnam Grand Sale, bringing hallyu, fashion, and culture together and raising the brand value of Gangnam.
Through the exclusive concert at the Gangnam Hallyu Festival on Yeongdeungdaro, JYJ will provide a time where fans as well as Seoul citizens and tourists can enjoy hallyu together.
The event staff stated, "We decided to plan out this event to create a place where fans from in and outside of Korea can enjoy hallyu through this exclusive concert and JYJ, who is continuously and actively spreading hallyu."
Meanwhile, JYJ is currently on its 2014 JYJ Asia Tour ′The Return of the King′, meeting with fans all over Asia.
Photo Credit: C-JeS Entertainment

(Trans from Crystalmoon64)
[News PART TRANS] JYJ to hold free solo concert
JYJ will hold a free solo concert on October 5 at 7 PM on the special stage set up on Yeongdong-daero in front of KEOCO located in Samseong-dong as a part of '2014 Gangnam Hallyu Festival' for 2 and a half hour...
This concert will be the Seoul encore stage of JYJ's current Asia Tour, THE RETURN OF THE KING...
The organizers of the event(Gangnam District Office) estimates more than 33,000(10% increase from last year) will attend the concert since JYJ is one of the most prominent bands representing K-pop...
One of the event coordinators commented, "It was not an easy decision for JYJ to hold a free concert since their concert tickets sell out quickly" and also added, "this concert will be the essence of their Asia Tour."
10월5일 오후 7시 서울 삼성동 한국전력 앞 영동대로 특설무대에서 열리는 ‘2014 강남 한류페스티벌’ 무대를 무려 2시간30분 동안 단독으로 꾸밀 예정
이번 콘서트는 현재 JYJ가 아시아 지역에서 진행하고 있는 'JYJ 더 리턴 오브 더 킹'(THE RETURN OF THE KING)의 서울 앙코르 공연
JYJ가 케이팝을 대표하는 가수라는 점에서 행사를 주최하는 서울 강남구청 측은 이날 3만3000명이 몰릴 것으로 예상하고 있다. 지난해보다 10% 많은 인원이다.
행사 한 관계자는 14일 "티켓 파워를 자랑하는 JYJ가 무료로 콘서트를 진행하기로 한 것은 쉽지 않은 결정"이라면서 "이날 무대에서도 그동안 진행했던 아시아 투어의 결정판을 볼 수 있을 것"이라고 밝혔다.

(fanmade video)
Jaejoong is a MAGNET: Cute or Sexy
by JaejoongArabFansC3
Junsu TW update:
드디어 처음으로 이곳에서 자보는구나~신기하도다
잘자요 모두들^^
Finally, I can sleep right here, for the first time~ feel excited.. Goodnight, everyone^^
Note: We are assuming that Junsu is in his new hotel "Toscana" in Jeju since he is saying that it's finally his first time sleeping there...The hotel officially opens on September 25th.

140914 Junsu and Hansol on the plane! Where are you guys going! Bring me along! >__<
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=681867845215158&set=a.335793846489228.70971.100001758469923&type=1&theater …

[OTHER INSTAGRAM] 140914 Kim Keun Soo Shares A Picture With Brown-Haired Jaejoong Today http://princejj.com/2014/09/14/other-instagram-140914-kim-keun-soo-shares-a-picture-with-brown-haired-jaejoong-today/ …


JYJ performs a touching Chinese song in Taipei
JYJ spent more than 2 hours with 9,000 fans at their concert at Taiwan on September 11.
Junsu, Yoochun and Jaejoong performed for their Taiwanese fans at Taipei World Trade Center, Nangang Exhibition Hall and has received an explosive support from around 9,000 fans at the concert.
In return to the enthusiastic support and love from the fans, the trio prepared a special stage which they sang a Chinese song ‘ 10 Years’ by Hong Kong singer, Eason Chan, which touched the hearts’ of the fans and had them sang along.
They also performed the same Chinese song at their concerts in China.
After finishing the concert at Taiwan, they will continue their tour to Shanghai and Bangkok.

Junsu Twitter update:
우와 날씨좋당~!!
"Weather is nice"
JYJ explains rumors surrounding conflict with reporters in Taiwan

JYJ’s label, C-JeS Entertainment, has released a statement regarding the rumors surrounding their conflict with reporters in Taiwan.
On September 11th, rumors began to spread following JYJ’s press conference in Taiwan for their “Return of the King” concert tour. During the conference, 50 members of the press walked out, in an apparent boycotting of JYJ.
The next day, September 12th, C-JeS responded to the rumors with the following statement: “There was a small conflict while asking the reporters to stop using flash from close distance; five or so reporters complained, but there was no physical contact or boycott.”

CJes also added that the conflict was resolved peacefully and JYJ held another photo session for reporters who came back from the “boycott,” ending the misunderstanding.
Conflicts happen and sometimes things do not end well, but it is a relief that both JYJ and the reporters came to terms.
Source: 10Asia, Hankooki

JYJ heat up Taiwan with their Asia tour
기사승인 [2014-09-1]
yousun.lee yousuny@asiatoday.co.kr
![]() |
JYJ successfully finished their Asia tour concert in Taiwan with 9,000 fans.
On September 12, C-JeS Entertainment said, "JYJ successfully finished their Asia tour concert held at Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC) Nangang Exhibition Hall in Taiwan on September 11. Despite the fact that the concert was held on a weekday, the venue was filled with 9,000 fans. JYJ was back to Taiwan after three years, but their fans' support and love was deeper and stronger."
JYJ said, "It was amazing thing to interact musically with people who speak other languages. We performed comfortably, and such happiness came from the spectators. It's the night we won't forget."
JYJ wowed the spectators with high quality performances. The group sang 'Back seat', 'Baboboy', 'Letting go’, 'In Heaven, 'Let me see’, ‘So So’, and more.
Meanwhile. JYJ will continue their Asia tour concert 'THE RETURN OF THE KING' in Shanghai, China on September 20.
Asia Today

대만 팬 여러분들의 공연매너에 너무 큰 감동을받고 갑니다.꼭 다시 찾아뵐께요~ I love Taiwan
어째..본격적으로..왼쪽에 쌍커풀이 더 진해지는것같지... 짝짝이가되가고있어 흑ㅜ
@1215thexiahtic: Why.. naturally.. the double eyelid on my left eye became deeper right.. my eyes are becoming unbalanced heukㅜ
@1215thexiahtic: I’m heading back after feeling very touched by the concert etiquette that Taiwan fans showed. I’ll definitely be back~ I love Taiwan
Source: @1215thexiahtic
Translations by ohmyjunsu


QIY Interview before the Chengdu concert
via Jaeobsession

JYJ’s Park Yoo Chun Says JYJ is More Than Family, Friends Or Brothers
The JYJ members attended a press conference in Taiwan for its Asia tour.
C-JeS Entertainment stated on September 11, “JYJ met with the reporters prior to the concert in Taiwan to introduce the album. During the press conference, JYJ shared on visiting Taiwan in three years, stories behind the Asia tour and the meaning of the new album.”
Park Yoo Chun said, “We released a full length album after three years and it has been a while since we came to Taiwan but I feel happy. We supported each other as we carried out the Asia tour and I’ve been enjoying every single concert. The three of us are so precious to one another to the point that words like family, friends or brothers are not good enough.”
Kim Junsu shared, “I feel good every time I visit this city. I recently let go of ‘Dracula,’ which I spent the past 3-4 months doing and it was a project that allowed me to learn many things and was a meaningful time.”

Kim Jae Joong said, “The secret behind taking care of our bodies for the Asia tour is the three of us. We prepare happily before we perform on stage. Since Taiwan is the place that has the best conditions for performances, I am anticipating tonight’s concert.”
The press conference was attended by reporters from over 50 media outlets, including MTV, newspapers, entertainment television programs and more.
Photo credit: C-JeS Entertainment
[TRANS] JYJ Kim Jaejoong: The Supreme Court finalized monetary penalty ruling for the netizen who spread slanderous rumors on internetby Ces |
Note: This was a lawsuit filed by Jaejoong fans. "Jaejoong
fans united efforts together, collecting the screencaptures and
organizing them, and then sued the most vicious anti-fan
WorldJaejoongZzang (credit: As can be read in the memoirs of a former
Herose admin translated by @jaetaku)"
The monetary penalty ruling on the netizen who slandered the idol group JYJ's member Kim Jaejoong has been finalized.
The Supreme Court Department 1(Chief Justice Cho Huidae) announced today(9/11/2014) that it upheld the lower court's original decision of $1,500 fine for A(25 yrs old) who was charged for breaching the Internet Usage Promotion Law and the laws related to information protection(Slander) on August 20th.
The court explained, "In order to legally punish someone for slander detailed evidences that show this person damaged a specific person's social worth or reputation must be presented. Even though one used value-neutral terms, if it damaged a specific person's social reputation in terms of generally accepted social norm, it is a slander."
The court ruled, "The defendant seriously damaged famous entertainer's reputation in regards to his private life. Therefore, the lower court's decision is valid."
A was indicted for posting malicious rumors about Kim Jaejoong and his family on internet message board from August to September of 2012.
The two previous court rulings indicated, "The defendant freely interpreted and further fabricated rumors going around the internet and seriously distorted the victim's private life causing significant damage to his social reputation. The defendant's crime is highly malicious." Since A is deeply regretting her crime, the court finalized the monetary penalty.
The Supreme Court Department 1(Chief Justice Cho Huidae) announced today(9/11/2014) that it upheld the lower court's original decision of $1,500 fine for A(25 yrs old) who was charged for breaching the Internet Usage Promotion Law and the laws related to information protection(Slander) on August 20th.
The court explained, "In order to legally punish someone for slander detailed evidences that show this person damaged a specific person's social worth or reputation must be presented. Even though one used value-neutral terms, if it damaged a specific person's social reputation in terms of generally accepted social norm, it is a slander."
The court ruled, "The defendant seriously damaged famous entertainer's reputation in regards to his private life. Therefore, the lower court's decision is valid."
A was indicted for posting malicious rumors about Kim Jaejoong and his family on internet message board from August to September of 2012.
The two previous court rulings indicated, "The defendant freely interpreted and further fabricated rumors going around the internet and seriously distorted the victim's private life causing significant damage to his social reputation. The defendant's crime is highly malicious." Since A is deeply regretting her crime, the court finalized the monetary penalty.
[Interview] A-Jax’s Jae Hyung Reveals His Role Model is JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong
A-Jax’s Jae Hyung revealed that his role model is JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong.
Jae Hyung starred as ‘Louis’ in the web drama Vampire Flower in July, leaving a firm impression on the viewers.
Jae Hyung also revealed that he learned many things by taking his first acting role through Vampire Flower.
Jae Hyung has always dreamed of becoming an actor even before he was chosen to become a trainee.
Jae Hyung said, “I’ve always had the dream to become an actor. Then I passed the audition at my current agency and debuted as a singer first. But I’ve been continuously taking acting lessons.”
Jae Hyung named JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong as his role model.
He said, “Kim Jae Joong sunbaenim showed great acting through Triangle. He is an idol but he also acts. In that aspect, he’s my role model. But I’ve always really liked Kim Jae Joong sunbaenim.”
![[Interview] A-Jax’s Jae Hyung Reveals His Role Model is JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong](http://upload.enewsworld.net/News/Contents/20140903/75209002.jpg)
Revealing that he has been receiving scenario offers, Jae Hyung expressed his hope to take on various roles in the future.
Jae Hyung is also a member of the idol group A-Jax. Throughout the interview, Jae Hyung made it clear that he is a member of A-Jax, showing his love for the team.
Jae Hyung said, “A-Jax has seven different colors. There is a funny member, chic member, a member good at singing, etc. Each member has his unique charm. I want to describe A-Jax as cola. When many colors mix, it turns into black. A-Jax also has members with different colors. A-Jax also has refreshing and popping charms, like cola.”
Jae Hyung selected A-Jax’s Insane as his favorite song. He also expressed his hope to release songs of various genres, including sweet concept songs and ballads. Jae Hyung also revealed his desire to do a reality program with the A-Jax members, in order to spread the group’s charms.
![[Interview] A-Jax’s Jae Hyung Reveals His Role Model is JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong](http://upload.enewsworld.net/News/Contents/20140903/75209003.jpg)
Expanding his activities as an actor, singer, MC and songwriter, Jae Hyung has recently been working on writing songs.
He said, “I’ve been concentrating on writing songs these days. I prepared myself to write songs as well as to act. I mostly work on ballads since I like sentimental music but I’ve been working on dance song recently too. I would like to write songs for A-Jax, if there is a chance.”
Photo credit: Newsen
Jae Hyung starred as ‘Louis’ in the web drama Vampire Flower in July, leaving a firm impression on the viewers.
Jae Hyung also revealed that he learned many things by taking his first acting role through Vampire Flower.
Jae Hyung has always dreamed of becoming an actor even before he was chosen to become a trainee.
Jae Hyung said, “I’ve always had the dream to become an actor. Then I passed the audition at my current agency and debuted as a singer first. But I’ve been continuously taking acting lessons.”
Jae Hyung named JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong as his role model.
He said, “Kim Jae Joong sunbaenim showed great acting through Triangle. He is an idol but he also acts. In that aspect, he’s my role model. But I’ve always really liked Kim Jae Joong sunbaenim.”
![[Interview] A-Jax’s Jae Hyung Reveals His Role Model is JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong](http://upload.enewsworld.net/News/Contents/20140903/75209002.jpg)
Revealing that he has been receiving scenario offers, Jae Hyung expressed his hope to take on various roles in the future.
Jae Hyung is also a member of the idol group A-Jax. Throughout the interview, Jae Hyung made it clear that he is a member of A-Jax, showing his love for the team.
Jae Hyung said, “A-Jax has seven different colors. There is a funny member, chic member, a member good at singing, etc. Each member has his unique charm. I want to describe A-Jax as cola. When many colors mix, it turns into black. A-Jax also has members with different colors. A-Jax also has refreshing and popping charms, like cola.”
Jae Hyung selected A-Jax’s Insane as his favorite song. He also expressed his hope to release songs of various genres, including sweet concept songs and ballads. Jae Hyung also revealed his desire to do a reality program with the A-Jax members, in order to spread the group’s charms.
![[Interview] A-Jax’s Jae Hyung Reveals His Role Model is JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong](http://upload.enewsworld.net/News/Contents/20140903/75209003.jpg)
Expanding his activities as an actor, singer, MC and songwriter, Jae Hyung has recently been working on writing songs.
He said, “I’ve been concentrating on writing songs these days. I prepared myself to write songs as well as to act. I mostly work on ballads since I like sentimental music but I’ve been working on dance song recently too. I would like to write songs for A-Jax, if there is a chance.”
Photo credit: Newsen
Update from Jaejoong's Instagram

Arriving in Taipei

From JYJ Official Facebook site...
JYJ on way to Taipei for Concert tomorrow;)

Another Jae Update:
일본에서 발행한 JJ우표 일본에 살고있지 않는 사람들도 살수있게 되었나봐요

{TRANS} JJ stamp issued in Japan is now made available to people who are not living in Japan 🙊
via crystalmoon64
Jaejoong Stamps
shop.jaejoong-stamp.com/products/item_Info.php?itemID=2 …

JJs Tweet...
혼자 사는 남자의 요리 실력~ pic.twitter.com/uk25Um0lUt

[TWITTER] 140910 Junsu is Back to Black

@1215thexiahtic: Black is more awkward for me nowㅎ

@1215thexiahtic: Dracula, it’s bye bye for real~ㅜ

@Hyejin0813: Lululala~ Let’s go to Taiwan
@1215thexiahtic to @Hyejin0813: I’m sleepy..ㅜ
Source: @1215thexiahtic and @Hyejin0813
Junsu's Tweet:
Toscana in jeju pic.twitter.com/VbtRoMHKDQ

[INFO] 140908 Triangle’s Kim Jaejoong nominated for Male Excellence Award in Korea Drama Awards 2014
Triangle’s Kim Jaejoong is nominated for Male Excellence Award in Korea Drama Awards 2014 ^__^
In 2012, he was nominated in the same category for his acting in Dr. Jin. (Read more Here)
Since nominees are chosen from Korean dramas that aired on the three major broadcasting networks (KBS, MBC and SBS) and cable channels, the competition is strong, and we are happy to know Jaejoong is receiving favorable reviews for his acting in “Triangle”, the proof is that the nominees it’s decided solely by experts judges/critics in the acting field.
Since nominees are chosen from Korean dramas that aired on the three major broadcasting networks (KBS, MBC and SBS) and cable channels, the competition is strong, and we are happy to know Jaejoong is receiving favorable reviews for his acting in “Triangle”, the proof is that the nominees it’s decided solely by experts judges/critics in the acting field.
This ceremony will be held on October 1st, 2014.

Male Top Excellence Award Nominees:
1.- Ji Chang Wook of MBC “Empress Ki”

2.- Lee Seung Gi of SBS “You’re All Surrounded”
3.- Lee Jong Seok of SBS “Dr. Stranger”

4.- Kim JaeJoong of MBC “Triangle”
5.- Yoo Ah In of jTBC “Secret Love Affair”
[TWITTER] 140908 Junsu playing table tennis with family
@1215thexiahtic: Hyung said he’s been playing table tennis every day recently, and that I’m no match for him… but I won? Euhahahahaha~!! You funny thing!
@1215thexiahtic: I knelt down before my dad. First place: dad, second place: me, third place: hyung. Come back after playing 500 more games hyung! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Source: @1215thexiahtic
@zunoxiahmom: Junsu-yah~
You won against your hyung for the first time today and felt triumphant
but…what? You’re gonna beat mom too? When mom’s hip gets better, then
I’ll beat you! I’ll show you our family’s essence of a champion~ㅋ
Source: @zunoxiahmom
[TWITTER] 140909 Kim family’s competitive spirit

@JUNO_Japan: I said let’s play again, I won’t be your opponent… I’ll play 500 more games so let’s compete again next time..
@1215thexiahtic to @JUNO_Japan: At least for today, I want to enjoy this victory to my hearts content..
@zunoxiahmom: Junsu-yah~ You won against your hyung for the first time today and felt triumphant but…what? You’re gonna beat mom too? When mom’s hip gets better, then I’ll beat you! I’ll show you our family’s essence of a champion~ㅋ
@1215thexiahtic to @zunoxiahmom: Mom..What
do you mean the first time~ I was Ilsan’s ‘Kim Takgu’ from the
beginning~ My hyung was no match for me since the beginning. For dad and
you.. shall I say, ‘preferential treatment for my parents’? What kind
of wealth and fortune can I get from beating my parents..
P.S: Must I say from my own mouth that I was wearing slippers.. that’s allㅋ
P.S: Must I say from my own mouth that I was wearing slippers.. that’s allㅋ
(T/N: Takgu means table tennis in Korean)
reply to the same tweet
@1215thexiahtic to @zunoxiahmom: My rival.. is only myself… My apologies to the three of you..
@1215thexiahtic to @JUNO_Japan: Hyung~ I am Cheongdamdong’s Kim Spike~ Get a hold of yourself!

@JUNO_Japan: Kim Spike.. Hah! Try slowly~ sometime.. It’s because I’m here with you. I’m Samseong-dong’s Kim Shield! I’ll return it all back to you!
@1215thexiahtic to @JUNO_Japan:
Cute thing? Hah! You said you’ve been playing table tennis for 2 hours
every night at 10pm for the last two months and that you came after
playing 500 games. You said to me ‘You and I have a huge difference in
skills’ and I still have the image of hyung provoking me with your eye
smile in my head.. I think you’ll have to play that 500 extra games…

@JUNO_Japan: I didn’t play that much!! Am I a table tennis player!!! ㅋㅋㅋ And if you hadn’t provoked me then I wouldn’t have thought about this!
@1215thexiahtic to @JUNO_Japan: From the beginning provocation is about looking at your enemy! Knowing your enemy and knowing myself.. Hasty and disrespectful provocations will only bring demise to yourself. A miscalculated action cannot be taken back.. You ignited my competitive spirit.. You crossed a line you shouldn’t have crossed.. Tsk tsk tsk

@zunoxiahmom: What? Preferential treatment for parents? Are you not our Junsu whose face turns red and works hard, saying you’ll beat mom and dad? Dad says to tell you this~ You guys are still far from beating mom and dad~~~ㅋ I’m saying this again, you can’t win against mom and dad in volleyball, table tennis and badminton, not even if you play 1000 rounds and come back~ You hilarious things!
@1215thexiahtic to @zunoxiahmom: As
expected, no matter where you go.. The genius and #1 is always lonely..
There is nothing wrong in what our ancestors said.. Ah I’m lonely.. In
the end, nobody is more noble than me.. Stay strong Kim Junsu. Have
strength Kim Junsu.
Source: @1215thexiahtic, @JUNO_Japan and @zunoxiahmom
Park Yoochun, Kim Jaejoong and Kim Junsu Enjoy Popularity In Japan

The members of the leading k-pop trio JYJ worked hard during the last year to develop successful careers of their own. And that hard work helped them succeed independently and around the world. But the singers are especially popular in Japan, where their concert performances sell out and their music and dramas quickly climb to the top of the charts.
When the trio released "Just Us," in July 2014, it had been three years since they made an album together. That album now ranks #1 on Tower Records' music charts in Japan. The same album also reached the second place in the Japanese music chart Oricon.
When the album was released in Korea, it sold 17,000 copies in the first week. But its success in Japan may be considered a more remarkable accomplishment since JYJ's record label, C-JeS, did not even promote the album there.
Ilgan Sports recently reported that JYJ's agency is inundated with calls about the band's current Asian tour, titled The Return of the Kings.
"We receive a lot of requests from the Japanese fans to perform in their cities and we will try to do our best to confirm these performances," a C-JeS representative recently told Soompi.
The Return of the Kings tour, which visits Thailand, China and Vietnam, runs through Sept. 27.
Each of the band's members has a devoted following.
This year Kim Jaejoong is especially popular in Japan impressed critics with his performance as Heo Young Dal, the foolish gambler turned confident gambling executive in "Triangle." Not only did 2,000 fans turn up for his recent Japanese fan meet to promote "Triangle," but his face also appears on a special commemorative stamp in Japan.
Park Yoochun added another top-notch performance to his acting resume this year when he played a special agent in the political action thriller "Three Days." When Park Yoochun traveled to Japan a few months ago to promote his previous drama "Missing You," 1,000 fans waited for him at the airport. That drama ranked No. 1 in the pre-order chart. His film "Sea Fog," will also be shown in Japan.
When Kim Junsu had solo concerts in Tokyo and Osaka, 63,000 fans attended. He started his solo career in 2010 by releasing the single "Xiah" in Japan. It reached the #2 spot on the Oricon singles chart. In 2013 he released the solo album "Incredible." Which also reached #1 in the Oricon charts. In the last two years Junsu appeared in the musicals "Elizabeth," "December" and "Dracula." Junsu is so popular in Japan that his Japanese fans travel to Korea to see his musicals.
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