Ichigo Ichie
Fukuoka, Japan (12/23-12/24/2014)
(Will Update with more news before, during, and after the concerts)

Fan cams...JYJ Talk with English subs
Funniest Talk evaaahhh!!!

oppai chocolate talk
by Huayu
Fukuoka concert Day 2
Talk before NINE/acapella (emotional and thankful JYJ)
With English subs
More pictures and fancams compiled...Keep scrolling...
후쿠오카 공연을 마지막으로 JYJ의 일본 돔 투어 공연이 종료되었습니다! 오랜만에 열린 일본 공연이었던만큼 뜨거운 응원과 함께한 이번 일본 돔 투어! JYJ와 함께해준 팬여러분들 모두 감사드립니다^^
With Fukuoka concert the dome tour in Japan ended! Due to having a long interval to the concert, it received an enthusiastic response! We thank all the fans for the love and support^^
With Fukuoka concert the dome tour in Japan ended! Due to having a long interval to the concert, it received an enthusiastic response! We thank all the fans for the love and support^^

JYJ Successfully Completes First Japanese Dome Tour

Idol trio JYJ has successfully completed their first Japanese dome tour, bringing out 240,000 fans to the concerts.
JYJ, consisting of Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu, had their finale concerts in Fukuoka on December 23 and December 24. Starting off in the Tokyo Dome in November, JYJ visited Osaka and Fukuoka, bringing out approximately 240,000 fans, proving their popularity in Japan.
The trio performed songs from their discography, along with solo performances. They also had special events for their fans, as they dressed up in Christmas outfits during their Fukuoka concert. The finale concert in Fukuoka lasted more than three hours.
The members seemed particularly touched at the finale concert, as they said, “We are so happy, we want the time to stop right now. It was a pleasure to meet you all here, and we will forever remember these memories. We felt your love through this dome tour and we’ve gained so much energy to take back with us.”
JYJ will also be releasing their first Japanese single “Wake Me Tonight” in January of 2015.

Press Pics:

Jaejoong's Tweet (after the concert)

JYJ in Concert
Night 2
Live Tweets, Pics, and Translations
Credit as tagged

Fans at the Venue



By 3 flowers

*Ayyy Girl

Yes we all know it'll be a special stage today la JJ~~


Let me see [純在獨秀唯天]
* In Heaven

*Keshou (Jaejoong Solo)

Keshou (JJ solo)
By 3 Flowers




141224 #Jaejoong solo_make up [stawberryjae] repost
Arrangement for Keshou has been slightly changed. JJ smiled before the last verse~
*Between the Sky and You (Junsu Solo)


* SaiAi (Yuchun Solo)

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)

By tiamo hy

Butterfly-partial (JJ solo)
By 3 flowers

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)

Jaejoong Ment

Talk after Butterfly
By tiamo hy

JJ Ment after Butterfly
By 3 Flowers

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)
* Ultra Soul (JJ Solo)

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) JJ when singing ULTRA SOUL

as tagged

*I Love You (YC solo)
Yuchun Ment

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)

YC: I don't want this LIVE to be over since it might be 3 or 4 years for JYJ to have another LIVE.

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) 6002 <3
*Thirty (YC solo)
At the end of the song, YC said, I love you, thank you.

Thirty (YC solo)
By 3 Flowers
*Story (JS Solo)

Story (JS solo)
By 3 flowers
Junsu Ment
my Japanese is a bit lacking during Tokyo live but in Osaka and now
Fukuoka, I think my Japanese is 50% like 5 years ago. www
*Incredible (JS solo)


Incredible (JS solo)
By 3Flowers
Video Interlude
*So So
JS snowman JJ Santa bag? YC Christmas Tree


(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)


Found You/Chajatta
By Rinmaze

By cOOlbOaRdEr

By tiamo hy

(JYJ singing Chajatta in these costumes!)
yuchun as Christmas tree. Complete outfit even with a star on top of his head. I can't..... Hahaha
JaeJoong and YuChun dance during Chajatta is hilarious!"!

이 짤 뭔가 욱겨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


as tagged


Ment after Chajatta (still in Christmas costumes!)
By 3 flowers

Talk after Chajatta
By tod xia

Ment after Chajatta
By tiamo hy
Js asked JJ is his a Xmas present concept and JJ said yes
YC said JJ is sexy.
Js exclaimed that JJ is cool and JJ said YC is cute

as tagged





(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)

What's fun is they're doing the whole ment in these costumes hahaha

Hence the conversation whether to "lick or chew"...Oh my...LOL
Chocolate 'boobs' talk at Fukuoka concert...
Perfect convo between Sexy santa, Handsome Christmas tree, and Cute snowman...

with English subs by Huayu
gave chocolate boobs to Jaejoong. So JS(?) asked him if he licks or
bites. JJ said he licks... /faints at the innuendo hahahaha lol

*Lion Heart


Lion Heart
By cOOlbOaRdEr

Lion Heart
By Rinmaze
*Be My Girl

Be My Girl
By 3Flowers

Be My Girl
By tiamo hy

And Jaejoong th sexiest Santa I've seen haha he took off his Santa shirt at the ene, half naked JJ!!
Missed that yellow ball. JJ took off the robe.

Finally take off his shirt.
Sorry!!! I fainted and nose bleed Cos there is a shirtless Santa JJ at the concert venue!!! My heart, 

He is so sweet walks slowly back main stage

Dance Interlude...set to Mission bgm
*Back Seat

*Be The One

Be The One
By 3 flowers


By 3 Flowers
*Wake Me Tonight

Encore/Loud JYJ chant
*Get Out

Get Out
By 3 flowers

Last Ment
One of the reason #ILoveJYJ
They didn't want to sing the last songs...
They blabber on...
Special moments at 12:43-13:18 when JJ turned to JS to say "I love you" then JJ turned to YC and YC cut him off right away saying essentially that there's no need to say it because he knows and he feels the same way...JJ sighs saying he doesn't want to introduce the last songs...
They proceeded to sing older songs to stall some more...

By tiamo hy
Emotional JYJ
JaeJoong is always thankful for fans' love & support. HE reminded me JHMiller quote..
He keep his faith and believe... for his fans..
Jae: Junsu, I love u. Junsu covered his face and laugh in a shy manner. Yoochun then said, u know it right, Me too.
JJ: It's not the end but a new beginning. 

Don't be afraid! We'll always be here! T___T

Acapaella "Thanks to..."
by ayajae11

Acapella (multiple songs)
By Rinmaze

Acapella (variety of songs)
By 3 flowers
1) Why Did I Fall In Love w/ U
2) Stand By U
3) Loving U
4) Taxi
5) Thanks To
6) My Destiny
7) Somebody to 

JYJ, we will always wait for youuuu 2 years 5 years 10 years~~~ we're here to stand by youuuuuu.... Love you my dongsaengssss~^^
* Nine

By 3 Flowers

JYJ Chant
* Begin

By 3Flowers

#비긴 #JYJ"
http://instagram.com/p/w_UrASrlb5/ " begin

as tagged
Bonus Video

Emotional moments after singing Begin...
saying thank you and goodbye to the fans is very hard,,,
By 3 flowers
Thank You and Goodbye Talk...

Begin and ending...oh my heart...
By tiamo hy

JYJ hugs and tears
By parkkim Kim

Thank Yous...Dancers tossing JJ and YC up in the air...and more!)
By parkkim Kim


as tagged
We walk this far, being thru so much obstacles. We are here today becos of love & faith we have on each. No word is needed @bornfreeonekiss
JJ said they can't sing the old songs in full coz they don't own the copyright and no permission to sing the songs.
JJ: we will continue to have activities as long as we can, as long as the fans are here.

Yoochun is crying cr RT @yuchun6003: ユチョンないてるし(;_;)


Cr: ainoer

The dancers came out with white strips under their eyes to stimulate tears
JYJ-We'll keep showing our hard working self to all of you from now onwards too RT @yuchun6003: 本気で頑張る姿をこれからも皆さんに見せますって
Junsu was crying hard
Yuchun cried too Jaejoong was in tears but he didn't cry

Jaejoong told Yuchun and Junsu came to him, they hugged tightly, seems like Yuchun & Junsu were crying when they hugged
After their hug, Junsu was still crying so he turned his back to us 



as tagged


The dancers tossed JJ in the air first and he called for YC next. When they lifted JS they made to just carry him off stage.
When JJ called YC's name he ran to the extended stage and the dancers chased him.

JJ:We hv been working with these dancers in Japan for a decade since TVXQ. #JYJinFukuoka

Noone want concert to end probably JYJ themselves as well, Jaejoong kept on talking or just looked at fans shouting JYJ

Fans not wanting to leave...

JOO Hye-Jin
JYJ concert in japan dome tour :fukuoka
모든 공연관련스텝분들 수고하셨습니다.
#jyj #jyjdancer #idmyo #JYJinFukuoka

[TRANS] Fukuoka Concert Day 1 – Ment about Junsu’s past crush
1:49:40 ~ 1:58:50
JJ: I remember something. Junsu’s first love from Fukuoka…
JS: No! That’s not it!
JJ: Listen to the end
JS: Ah, this kind of talk is even coming out…!!
YC: That time… that girl…
JJ: At that time,
Junsu’s Japanese level was that of a 5 year old’s so it was a time that
he couldn’t express what he wanted to say. There was a restaurant that
we went to when we came to Fukuoka. She was an employee at that
restaurant and they couldn’t see each other aside from once a year.
JS: But.. Everyone!!! That’s not it. This isn’t it. Um.. It’s more of just a one-sided feeling, how should I word it?
JJ: One sided love?
JS: It’s not really a one
sided love. Similar… only to the point that I had a good feeling about
her with a pure mind. Really, that was it.
YC: Ah…! After some time passed, when that girl was about 20 years old, she came to our fan meeting or fan sign?
JJ: Fan sign. It was a fan sign.
JS: Everyone. I’m saying
this for real, she just came to the fan sign and that’s it. I gave her
my autograph, said thanks and that’s it!!! There was never something and
I never went out with her. Not at all!!
JJ: We know.
YC: There was nothing?
JS: That time
contacting.. No! That’s not it! (Junsu’s panicking) Everyone! Everyone!
What do I say.. I couldn’t speak Japanese at all at that time.. I got
her number but.. how should I say it, I only got her number. Everyone..
YC: What was her name?
JJ: Was it Yuki-chan?
JS: Everyone, don’t you want to hear the next song?
JJ: What should I say…
JS: This happened 8 years ago!! 8 years ago!!!
YC: It’s from 8 years ago… but Junsu said this yesterday… “Would that person still be living in Fukuoka?”
JS: Yah, don’t lie!! I didn’t remember at all but Yoochun talked about it first, so I replied “Ah, that’s so” and that was it!!
YC: Well, there was nothing between you two.
JJ: Ah ah, there was this…
YC: With just a pure mind..
JJ: For example, us
members would annoyingly tease Junsu in the past. We would keep teasing
Junsu to set the atmosphere. For example, we’d say “Junsu-yah, do you
like that girl?” and we’d tease him to set a fun atmosphere and Junsu
would match that.
JS: The members made
that (kind of atmosphere and situation)! They kept setting the
atmosphere that way so I just matched your ways.
JJ: That’s right, but
there’s something. You didn’t know each other very well but she’d come
out in your dream. Because she comes out in your dream, you remember her
once at a time.
YC: There’s that.
JS: When will this talk end?
YC: It’s in the past so it doesn’t matter… she was cute right?
JS: But really, the audience here is totally, totally cute.
YC: Hm? The fans here are cuter?
JS: Yes, that’s right. Our fans are prettier and more beautiful…
YC: Do you miss her even
now? It doesn’t matter if you meet her either, just as a friend, talking
like “I’ve missed you. Do you have a boyfriend now?”
JJ: She could be waiting for you…
YC: You can say “I’m still single..”
JJ: She could be here in the venue too.
JS: Everyone, it’s been
10 years since I’ve been working [as an artist]. 10 years have passed
but this is the most difficult situation [I’ve experienced].
YC: Ah, I’m sorry. I’ll stop now.
JS: Seriously, please, It’s seriously been 8, 9 years. A lot of time has passed.
YC: Time has passed but…
JS: Fans are saying Junsu doesn’t like this!! Junsu doesn’t like this!!
YC: [They] wanted to say this. Don’t like it. Haha.
JS: It was seriously just with a pure mind at that time.. That’s it.
YC: Ah, we didn’t have a phone at that time too.
JJ: We didn’t have phones.
JS: That’s right, we didn’t have phones.
YC: So through letters…
JS: There wasn’t such a thing!! Don’t lie!!
YC: Ah, I’m sorry. This is a joke. A joke.
JS: It wasn’t just this, you kept saying stuff since earlier!
JJ: I’m sorry.
JS: Ah..ah… my neck.
JJ: Junsu, then, with beautiful memories of Fukuoka, please introduce the next song.
YC: Yah~~ ‘ 3′
JS: Um.. ah… haha..
Today, um, is the first time we’ve been here for 5 years. I will sing
the next song with beautiful memories of meeting all of you then.
YC: Hey, Junsu, you’re having a difficult time right? So meeting fans…
JS: Still, are you still going on about that?
YC: No. You’re talking about meeting the fans right?
JS: Then, please listen everyone. Ah, it’s like everything I’m saying is a lie.
YC: We know you’re not lying.
JS: The next song is a famous song in Japan. What is it? Please listen, everyone. “Lion Heart”.
Video: Rinmaze
Japanese to Korean trans: ㅇㅇ of JYJ Gallery
English translation: ohmyjunsu of intoXIAcation
Full Ment
Cr: ayajae11
Lion Heart
YC was still laughing about the convo earlier thus got the giggles...LOL
vid cr: dtet rtet
JYJ in Concert
Night 1
Live Tweets, Pics, and Translations...as tagged
Fans at venue


as tagged

as tagged


as tagged

as tagged

as tagged
*Ayyy Girl

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) #JYJinFukuoka



*Let Me See


(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) #JYJinFukuoka *Let me see
*In Heaven

as tagged
Video Interlude
*Keshou (Jaejoong Solo)

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)
*Between the Sky and You (Junsu Solo)

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)

*SaiAi(Yuchun Solo)

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)

*Butterfly (JJ solo)

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) *Butterfly

Jaejoong Ment
JJ: "But I’m afraid despite singing with all my might, everyone might think I didn’t put in effort as I didn’t sweat!”

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) *JJ
*Ultra Soul (JJ Solo)

as tagged
*I Love You (YC Solo)

Yuchun Ment

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) *the fan said male fans cried out YC's name when his solo time then female fans followed www
Yoochun thanked the guys who shouted for him, then said, "but I like girls." Cr RT @mikiko6002: ユチョン、ナムジャの掛け声に
Yuchun sad
I can't Mission's dance 40 years old. When a concert ends, a body is painful.
*Thirty/ Lazy Life (YC Solo)
*Story (JS Solo)

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天)

Junsu Ment


(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) *fans said JS asked staff to help set the mic after solo time
Today, after putting on micro for Junsu,the staff left to backstage without giving Junsu his jacket for Incredible so Junsu came in front
Of backstage door and said in a rather cute tone 'sorry but you forgot my jacket' thrn staff came out with his jacket XD

*Incredible (JS Solo)
Video Interlude
*So So

Ment After Chajatta

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) Talk time 1

as tagged

(cr.純在獨秀唯天) Talk time *JS said he did not know he's loved dearly until he knew how much of the gifts JJ&YS gave him



Junsu's first love is a girl from Fukuoka O______O Yoochun was going crazy at Junsu's revelation (via @xia_buzzi)
JaeChun seems so happy to listen to Junsu who was talking about his first love CR to @mikiko6002: ジュンスの初恋の話してるときのチョンジェの喜びよう

girl went to see JS at a fan sign. He didn't have a Japan phone back
then so they wrote some letters. This was 8 years ago (@THR33TIME)
JS asked when they're gonna end this topic. YC asks if she was pretty, JS says the fans here are prettier & cuter. (@xia_buzzi)
YC asked if JS misses her. JS fell to his knees XD Right after this talk was Lion Heart and YC couldn't stop laughing (via @xia_buzzi)
Apparently JJ also fell to his knees laughing and Yoochun said he's sorry (@THR33TIME) Need fancam of this part!! XD


*Lion Heart
In Lion Heart, Yuchun couldn't hold himself from laughing (from the fun in previous ment) so he laughed in middle of lines then JJ followed Yuchun and laughed too. Junsu lgot distracted a bit too so Lion Heart at first part supposed to have a quiet atmosphere ended up w laughters
While JJ or JS was singing later in Lion Heart (I forgot) Yuchun did some sort of meditation action to calm himself down lol
Tonight I standed on Yuchun's side in ment so I mostly only saw Yuchun actions
Yuchun was entertained by Junsu a lots tonight, he laughed so much everytime Junsu get trolled, later on he coughed few times fr laughing
*Be My Girl
Dance Interlude...set to Mission bgm
*Back Seat
* Be The One


JJ said that the release date of their new song 'Wake Me Tonight' is on January 21.
*Wake Me Tonight
*Get Out

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) Encore : Get out

Last Ment

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) *Last ment


JYJ Chant
JJ: It's difficult to introduce the last song. I don't feel lonely because you are here.


(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) *Begin ~ last song
Thank You
Junsu and Yuchun sheds a bit tears

(cr. 純在獨秀唯天) *Thank you #JYJinFukuoka

as tagged

꺄~~~ #쿨보더in후쿠오카돔
Twitter post by one of JYJ dancers...

Merry Christmas from JYJ

Korean with English subs by t4rw3n

Japanese with English subs by angelwing


Translation of the Korean Message
JYJ: Hello! We are JYJ.
YC: Hello~
JYJ: Everyone, Merry Christmas!
Junsu starts singing Silver Bells
JJ: Go with something more exciting.
YC: Something exciting~
Junsu starts singing Jingle Bells but gets the ‘Jingle All The Way’ part wrong
Song switches to Santa Clause is Coming to Town but Yoochun changes the lyrics to
YC: Jjajangmyeon is okay, Jjambbong is okay too
Text: Soup noodles NO! Jjangmyeon OK! Excellent Chinese Food Adlib
JJ: Ah…
Text: Everyone finally realizes Yoochun’s great gag
JJ: We’ve lost our childhood, I knew so many carols when I was young.
YC: What other Christmas songs are there?
JYJ starts singing Jingle Bells again but gets the lyrics wrong
Text: Lyrics are forgotten along with their childhood
JS: What else is there?
JJ: Icicle~
YC: Silent Night~
YC: What are you gonna do? On a silent night?
JJ: What are you all going to do for Christmas? We have a concert in Japan so we’ll be spending Christmas with the Japanese fans.
JJ: It seems like this winter will be very warm.
YC: Yeah… why?
JS: Why?
YC: Is there something?
JS: Well they say that a winter is warm if you find a girlfriend.
YC: Are you warm?
JJ: I’ve always had a girlfriend though.
YC: Ah
JS: Ah again…. Please don’t say stuff like that.
YC: Don’t say stuff that’s so predictable
Text: “JJ: You are all my girlfriend” Jaejoong’s very predictable next words
JS: Stop saying that and improve what you say
YC: Don’t say stuff that’s predictable.
JJ: I’ve been dating everyone for the last 10 years though
Text: An idol’s frequent comments that we are fed up with
YC: With everyone?
JS: With everyone?
JJ: Do you know that…how many days has it been? Since we’ve debut? A while back we marked 4000 days since debut
JS: Ahhhh
Text: Congratulations! JYJ’s 4000th day since debut!
JJ: We’ve come a long time with everyone. I’m curious what the fans who can’t be with us at our concert will do for Christmas.
When we gave our Christmas greeting a couple years ago, we said something like ‘please find a lover and have a happy Christmas’
For me… If everyone gets married…or date… we are okay with that.
When we gave our Christmas greeting a couple years ago, we said something like ‘please find a lover and have a happy Christmas’
For me… If everyone gets married…or date… we are okay with that.
YC: Cheesy…
JS: Why is that okay?
YC: Why?
JS: I’ll get jealous.
JJ: I won’t be jealous, truthfully.
JS: Because in the end your life is yours and my life is mine?
Text: Getting harder to handle this conversation…
JJ: No because if
everyone finds a lover or starts a family with kids, they can support us
as a family. I think I’ll feel really happy at that.
Text: Summoning ‘Families of fans’
JJ: I hope you have a happy Christmas. We will return after finishing our concert.
Text: We will come to you with a great concert.
JJ: 1, 2, 3
JYJ: Merry Christmas!
JJ: Have a Merry Christmas
Translated by: ohmyjunsu of intoXIAcation
JYJ arrival at Fukuoka airport (Japan)

From Korepo
Press Pics

More here: http://korepo.com/archives/75830
JYJ Official added 4 new photos.
추운 날씨에도 공항 마중나와주신 팬분들 감사합니다!
내일 만나요^^
JYJ is thanking the fans for the warm welcome in the airport even with the cold weather.
Looking forward to spending Christmas time with fans...


JYJ arriving at Fukuoka airport (Japan)
Cr: Sj J
Fukuoka International Airport
My unplanned mission is now complete 🎉💕 #JYJ @ Fukuoka airporthttp://instagram.com/p/w5mZiyhJpi/

Fan pics as tagged
Fans waiting for JYJ at Fukuoka airport

JYJ at Incheon airport leaving for Japan (12/22/14 K time frame)

by OBSKyungin
JYJ's Airport Fashion: Three Takes On Outers

[by Nawael Khelil / Photos by Jang Moon Sun]
JYJ were spotted a Incheon International Airport on December 22, heading off to Japan.
The three-member successful group hit the ground of Korea’s biggest airport today in comfy yet cool outfits. To fight against the cold, they expressed three different kinds of outer styling.
Kim Jae Joong went for a long, bi-fabric piece in wool with leather yokes on the pockets and wrists. He created an all black outfit that was slightly brightened up by the grey prints on his knit. Paired with his new hair color, this long coat somehow translated a few of his rock references, as well as confidence.
Park Yoo Chun played the layering card: the thicker, the merrier. Especially in this cold, icy weather. The actor opted for a thick blazer jacket that he wore under a semi-long wool coat in navy, letting its grey collar appear to add a bit of mystery to the silhouette. Jeans, a scarf and his signature classy shoes completed the look.
As for Kim Jun Su, the group’s fashionista never misses an ‘airport occasion’ to show that he knows about fashion. His wool and neoprene jacket made a new statement, making him one of this winter’s Airport Kings in the ‘Outer’ category. To take away the drama from this powerful item’s prints and colors, Kim opted for a total black look, expressing not only style but also humility.
Meanwhile, JYJ is on its way to Fukuoka where it will hold one of its last dates for this year’s Japan Tour. (photos by bntnews DB)
As #JYJ members are probably landing in #Fukuoka, take a look at their #airportfashion http://goo.gl/e5bDcx

Press Pics as tagged
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