What's New With J & J?
Will Update Continuously...
JJ greeting fanboys
Very cool.
Thanks for sharing
Legendary MINE
Hello actor and singer Jaejoong from Triangle!
김재중 (Kim Jaejoong) - 싫어도 (But I) MV youtu.be/kGw9-trVbmk
Are we all seeing and hearing this? Thank you
Jaejoong deleted this part and edited but We'll post the trans since it's important for everyone to understand that He's human too and can get upset and has the right to express it.
Hope from now on fans won't pay attention to who want to slander and make his life into a novel!
via Jaefans*Global
[ jj_1986_jj / IG Update ] As it's cheesy (cringy) I'll erase it And those who left too I'll erase them It's hard to take care of precious people.. instagram.com/p/CED8VrDjkYa/
via mia
More IG videos from Jaejoong
[ jj_1986_jj / Jaejoong IG Update ]
This is a mysterious magic trick that I used many times when I was a child
More vids
via mia
[사진] realraphael._ IG
[사진] seulxaa IG
[INFO] hong_k_s IG
seulxaa 님의 인스타그램
Nice to see our
always... instagram.com/p/CD_Y4LFjdfY/
via mia
via onlyjae
Most Attractive Asia’s Celeb- #KimJaejoong of course! Where’s the lie?
Please vote!
양자택일 밸런스게임🤦🏻♂ 준수의 선택은?ㅣ김준수 (XIA)
[jj_1986_jj IG]
Flower Jaejoong
[aiden_jung_aiden IG]
집중하는 재중씨~
꽃 좋아하는 사람은 다 좋은 사람!
[aiden_jung_aiden IG] 집중하는 재중씨~ 꽃 좋아하는 사람은 다 좋은 사람! instagram.com/p/CD8ofY5Dnf6/
aririsa242 IG Story
aiden_jung_aiden IG
#僕は歌が歌いたい 3rd episode
At the cafe the prank by the CEO to make #ジェジュン laugh is played, but while making a fuss Mr. Bean bleeds from his face. To comfort him JJ sends a picture he drew with all his love...but
Tonight from 24:55〜
J: It’s a ship.
C: JJ-chan is so depressed. Then Q3! What is this? (lower left) tick tick!
J: Can’t you answer?
C: The answer is ...
B: Dead trees?
J: A couple!
C: Too bad! He’s more depressed. Then Q4.
B: That’s enough!
(The picture fell on the parfait)
J: What’s wrong?
#僕は歌が歌いたい 3rd Tuesday 3 men: #ジェジュン got angry abt the mess, what should we do? They came up with the idea of sending JJ clothe. Then YG suggested to ask his gf for advice. CEO became so curious abt their relationship.. C: Does he want an excuse to call her?
J: I don’t think I’m cool.
YG: Yes, you do. You said so.
J: It’s CEO & Mr. Bean who think I’m cool, but not me.
YG: Did you ask them abt it?
J: No I just assume so.
YG: Well thinking that ppl think you’re cool means you are aware that you’re cool.
J: Huh? I don’t get it
YG: Listen. You think you’re cool that’s why you think that ppl think you’re cool.
J: What? Do you think I’m not cool?
YG: No, you’re cool.
J: Right?
YG: Not right. You know it (that you’re cool)
J: I don’t totally get what you say.
YG: Just admit it!
YG: You think you’re cool. J: I don’t think so. YG: Then tell me the reason why you assume that I think you’re cool. J: It’s an intuition, hunch of a good looking guy. YG: You’ve mentioned ‘good looking guy’ The answer is there. You think you’re cool after all. J: (off line
blaming each other, which eventually made JJ smile.
The most important thing is nothing special but in our ordinary lives to stare at you with the current feeling.
via cloudnine0919
Jaejoong Updates
ジェジュン Instagram ストーリー 20200813
via mia
【ジェジュン Instagram ストーリー】
【ジェジュン Instagram ストーリー】 instagram.com/stories/jj_198
【ジェジュン Instagram ストーリー】
【ジェジュン Instagram】
【ジェジュン Instagram】
외로움이 삶을 무너뜨리는 병이 되고..
화려할수록 짙어지는 공허함이 사람을 삼키는 세상속에서..
나에게는 늘 돌아갈 곳이 있다는 선명한 사실..
돌아갈 곳이 있다는 선명한 사실...
via ふるふる
Junsu Update
Silly Jae
via crystalmoon0213
Q: What’s sexier than Jaejoong’s flawless face?
[Culture Bridge Petition] Please have #김재중 hold concert (or fanmeeting) online
Once the petition gets 5,000 hearts within 30 days, Saida will contact the artist directly!
Please sign up and give hearts
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via crystalmoon0213
200809 Kim Jaejoong I want to sing a song (僕は歌が歌いたい) Episode 2 Full Video 200809 김재중 나는 노래를 부르고 싶다(僕は歌が歌いたい) 2화 풀영상 (출처 : 김재중 좋아서 만든 채널 | 네이버TV)
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