( I give you an owl coz on eps.9&10, we got invisible cloak, hahhaa......I think the writer really like Harry Potter).

A little late I post my thoughts because I was busy buying things for my company's christmas gift. And about christmas gift, coz we have almost the same time-line with IMY's time-line ( JW said that on Nov 21, the raper was killed and on our time, those episode - eps.6- was aired on Nov 22), what will we get on Christmas's week episodes? It will be eps. 15&16.

But, please Writer-nim, I don't want WooYeon's 1st kiss on that time. It's really tooooo looonnnggg......
Btw, I want the location for their 1st kiss is under the light. They already have the smiling face on that location, hehehe...

and also because they had an unfinished bussiness there, LOL...

but unfortunatelly, it is public place. On the 1st time, they got Det.Kim interrupt, so what will they get? hehehe......I think I want a more private place. But I don't know where, still don't have an idea.hahaha......coz JW don't have house by himself. Maybe on his car?
so, let's start....
The Relationship.....
JungHee couple....
I want to see the scene for these photos. It must be really cute, hehehe....

and what a difference? The biological father consider he is dead but someone who doesn't has a blood related with him consider he is her son. And everything she do, she always think about JW.

I really like their relationship and I think it is really the 1st time when the Female Lead's mom has a lot of scenes with the Lead Male and I really love the praise from SOS for PYC. Love every their scenes. Never thought that JW will have a lot of scenes with LSY's mom. Do you all notice that JW has a different voice everytime he meet his Lover? hehehe....
I know why this scene so far is YC's fav. scene. It's really heartbreaking scene & I think YC gave his best on that scene (although I think he already gave his best on every scene). And I really like the last scene when she wipe his tears. I don't know if it was an ad-lib or on script but that little gesture really great to end that scene.

I like that JW understand his lover very well.

JungJung couple...
Finally, we knew JW's WIFE name. hahhaa.....

wow...JW really want to erase his bad times. Even he don't tell his bestfriend who he is. I really like their scene. Really cute & funny, hahhaa......And all their scene on these episodes really make me LOL
OMG, his lips.....hahaha.....

and his voice on all these scene. .no need explanation.hahaha....

and btw, why he parked his car on the midlle of that street?

JungReum couple....
On these episodes, she didn't have a scene with JW, so we got his representation. Her Bear.

Btw, the 1st time I watch this scene, I didn't notice that there is AR on HJ's car, so I was surprised when suddenly pop up.

and Thumbs Up for AR, SY shouldn't have turned it off. hahaha....

A little late I post my thoughts because I was busy buying things for my company's christmas gift. And about christmas gift, coz we have almost the same time-line with IMY's time-line ( JW said that on Nov 21, the raper was killed and on our time, those episode - eps.6- was aired on Nov 22), what will we get on Christmas's week episodes? It will be eps. 15&16.

But, please Writer-nim, I don't want WooYeon's 1st kiss on that time. It's really tooooo looonnnggg......
Btw, I want the location for their 1st kiss is under the light. They already have the smiling face on that location, hehehe...

and also because they had an unfinished bussiness there, LOL...

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
but unfortunatelly, it is public place. On the 1st time, they got Det.Kim interrupt, so what will they get? hehehe......I think I want a more private place. But I don't know where, still don't have an idea.hahaha......coz JW don't have house by himself. Maybe on his car?
so, let's start....
The Relationship.....
JungHee couple....
I want to see the scene for these photos. It must be really cute, hehehe....

and what a difference? The biological father consider he is dead but someone who doesn't has a blood related with him consider he is her son. And everything she do, she always think about JW.

I really like their relationship and I think it is really the 1st time when the Female Lead's mom has a lot of scenes with the Lead Male and I really love the praise from SOS for PYC. Love every their scenes. Never thought that JW will have a lot of scenes with LSY's mom. Do you all notice that JW has a different voice everytime he meet his Lover? hehehe....
I know why this scene so far is YC's fav. scene. It's really heartbreaking scene & I think YC gave his best on that scene (although I think he already gave his best on every scene). And I really like the last scene when she wipe his tears. I don't know if it was an ad-lib or on script but that little gesture really great to end that scene.

I like that JW understand his lover very well.

JungJung couple...
Finally, we knew JW's WIFE name. hahhaa.....

wow...JW really want to erase his bad times. Even he don't tell his bestfriend who he is. I really like their scene. Really cute & funny, hahhaa......And all their scene on these episodes really make me LOL
OMG, his lips.....hahaha.....

and his voice on all these scene. .no need explanation.hahaha....

and btw, why he parked his car on the midlle of that street?

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
JungReum couple....
On these episodes, she didn't have a scene with JW, so we got his representation. Her Bear.

Btw, the 1st time I watch this scene, I didn't notice that there is AR on HJ's car, so I was surprised when suddenly pop up.

and Thumbs Up for AR, SY shouldn't have turned it off. hahaha....
Btw, why JW pick 7 pm? Any idea? I like that the writer use my fav.number. hahaha......maybe the writer really like HP. Coz, a lot of thing on HP use that number. and remember that SY's number also has that number - 27 - . and I think the reason why he didn't choose 7 AM. It obviously coz it is like became SY's alarm to wake her. hahaha.....and how come she can think of him when she just wake up, hehehe.....

WooYeon couple....
The 1st time I watch this scene, I wonder why he didn't say anything when he meet SY. Coz his main reason to came to that place is talk with SY, right? but later I understand that he still respect his father & greet him first. Even, SY didn't understand when he just passed her.

and like on the shop scene, when he look at her, she ignore him. But when he missing, she seek him. I like that JW introduce himself.

I think I know how is JW's feel when he ask SY to trust her but her aswer is HARRY. OMO.....she still don't trust you JW. It really need time & effort to make her trust you.

about the grab scene. It is a classic scene on K- Drama, hahhaa.....and usually I like it. I hope on the next scene, JW will more gentle to her.

WOW SY......I think it was from her bad side on her mind that she really hate her & want to kill her and I like to see her tear when JW said that's OK if she really SY. and SYahh...he really don't busy if he has someone whom he always seek for a long time sat in front of him. He just knew that you look at him and he actually really want to see your face but didn't want you to know so the 1st thing he did was look at his watch & after that he only look at you.

Let's go home.....the same word but different execution.

I really like that JW is really straightforward about his feel toward, we get the answer for our question. He love her as Zoe although she still don't want to confess that she is the real SY.

and he will wait for her.....

I'm glad that finally HJ know about the infamous "swah' thing belongs to JW.

I really like these scene. It is so cute & bring back a good memory for SY.

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I want next time, SY really sit on that swing.

Love these scene, the opposite from the previous scene.

I like that JW didn't call her. Just watched & follow her.

Her voice didn't change at all, and the same with the previous scene, JW is the one who is more happy & we can see from his expresion. and he also has something in his mind that he didn't share with SY.

LSY & her mom.....
I understand SY's feel that she doesn't want to comeback to her life as LSY coz the miserable life. To be honest, who want to remember/back to the miserable life. It is humane.

I like they shoot these scene. The shoes in the background. The high heels vs flat shoes. And really love her crying scene. The way she cover her tears, it really an awesome acting from YEH.

JunSoo couple.......
The way HJ hug SY this time, it looks like he want to keep her on her side and he will never let her go and it looks like he imprisoned her.

Can HJ get angry because of SY. Looking forward for the next episodes when he get angry to her. Let's see how scary he is. And btw, who Harry was IM's? I think it is a woman because the "joke" about get scared.

Oh, the cane is SY's design. I never notice that his cane has word on the surface. Maybe HJ always hold the side with the word facing him. But this time, his cane facing us so we can see his pray trough his cane.

Kim Eun Joo.....
I think this is the 1st time when the 2nd LF only has one scene on every episodes. I don't know if the writer really good or something else. But so far, EJ's scene was always fit with the story. Not excessive. And I have the same style with her when I am at home, the hair and glasses, hehehe..... more comfortable without hair style & contact lense. hehehe......

The Investigation.....
The 1st time they gave us the shoot to their shoes, I was 50% sure that the cleaning lady is the culprit. and the 2nd time, I was 100% sure.

Never thought that SY will be the one who gave the clue.

Thankfully he call his friend before he catch her. Not doing only by himself. And it is strange coz the cleaning lady don't have a pic not like the others.

The Others.....
Their clothes on this scene have the same style/cut with their clothes on the prescon.

These scene is so funny. hehe....The way JW's talk & she smell the shoes (I don't know it was on script or not). hahaa.....

What is it on her knee? A scar or what?

OOOhhhh....Jung Woo, you still have the run scene, hehehe....

and slap scenes.

I love Jung Woo smile.....

and his habit.

what do you all think on KSH's mind when she sang Magic Castle? I think she knew that YC's group sang that song. So, on her mind was YC sing that song for her. It's a song about Princess, hahaha.....and make her smile like that. And about LSY's diary, so, it was her who write that and maybe the pic actually refer to YC , hahaha.....

The Ending......
Like the door scene on SY, because she close the door to HJ, it is the form of her anger. But don't like the door scene on JW, coz when I saw that, I know something terrible will happen to JW.

I like EH's expession on the ending. Good acting. and JW passsed out...

Looking forward for the next episodes. Can I get their 1st kiss? hehhee......and I want to know the cause of Nurse Jang's death.
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