Are we like this every Wednesday & Thusday?

From Nov 7th till Feb'17th.....Actually it's not too long but we all here like old friend. Sharing info & thought, negative & positive thoughts, fight & at peace and finally we almost at the end of our journey, 2 episodes left.
We love to see the life romance of WooYeon couple but also love if that will be become ChunHye couple...
Just imagine this pic is their pre-wedding picture.......

so, let's begin.....
Today's colour theme is BLUE........and also GREEN......
BLUE for The RELIABLE Eun Joo.......

So far Eun Joo is someone who always bring info for SY and this time, she is the one who made HJ can met his mom and returning that pendantcoz he doesn't need that anymore and the same with SY who returning the necklace to him. Goods returned to it's owner.
GREEN for HJ'own world......
Green can provide security and protection but can also lead to feeling trapped.
and HJ actually being trapped on his own paradise.

I use butterfly coz on these episode we got butterfly, just a symbol for HJ that finally he out of his cocoon but unfortunately he didn't become a beautiful butterfly.

Han Jung Woo with his HYUNG......Finally, he is no longer his wifey and back to be his HYUNG, hehehe...

and when they shown us this scene, I knew that it must be a memorable number, hehe....
and this older Mr. Joo is so funny too with his James Bond idea & the sixpack thing.lol......but unfortunately not included the bed scene on this James Bond, hehe....

Han Jung Woo with his AEIN.......
OMG, this scene is so funny....just look at YC's face, lol......and the reason why. hahaha.....he has to treasure his lips...coz his lips is only for SY(YEH) lol....
and watch this vid, from minute 5:40 when he got ask about will he accept kiss scene after marriage? & he said that he though that he will try his best to avoid it...but it works. lol
and when I watch that scene, it made me remember this vid, when he must to try acting with his senior and must kiss on her forehead and lol...he could't do that, hahhaa.....so, I want to see the BTS for this scene. If MBC will not give us BTS from ChunHye, I hope they can give us this kiss BTS, hehhe....The acting scene is from minute 04:57.

and I am become shipper for this couple, lol....like SY said that she is going to get her mom married off if she'll find someone like Det. Kim.
But Soo Yeon-ah....please arrange your married first.

Han Jung Woo and his SISTER......
lol....on Ah-Reum face when she know that Zoe is LSY and she remember about the almost kiss and like that AR always give a very good information for JW. She is a really good spy. hehhee....and for HJ-AR shipper, it really can't happen, hahhaa.....how about Ah Reum with Det. Ahn?

Han Jung Woo and his KIDDO......
wow.....like the looks from JW. Finally he get the evidence & witness. I think HJ know that something has happened when he see JW's face like that.
Han Jung Woo and his LOVER......
I like that JW always wait SY to hold his hand.
JW's hand always give her the strength and security.
Stay with his own word, never let go her hand.....

I also love their look to each other.
and don't forget about their hug.....btw, I think this scene there are more than 1 take coz there are 2 different shoot.
1. JW put his cheek on her hair.
2. JW put his chin on her hair.
btw, did you all notice the person on the back seat? it's give a little scare, lol.....

and this couple is really a healing couple for each other.

so far we knew JW's mind but we've never know SY's mind and really like to know that SY is also a smart person (she can connect all the puzzle).
and the word from her to make JW sure about her heart & she really forgive him. ALL I NEED IS YOU.
I knew that JW must be like usual JW especially when I saw his eyes like that, hehhe.....still count just on THREE.

ooohhh.....SY walk like 15 years old SY but this time JW didn't refuse but he did the same like SY's hand & than he hold her hand.

On the 1st kiss, he told her all his secret but this time he kept it.

Love the kiss, it's different from their 1st kiss which full of tears but now full of smile.

and I like it. that finally EH can use her hand, lol...I think it is good & has a meaning that she can accept him do sexual thing with her.
I think the failed bed scene must be failed although JW can did that, hehehe.....it was not the right time for SY.

although it was a long shoot but we can still see that they really did the REAL KISS. Just see their hand (body) movement.
I know we will never get the BTS for this scene, I think usually actress,actor, PD or maybe the writer discuss about the kiss scene.
They must know if the kiss will get long shoot. So, I appreciate that they really give their best. And I think on the script just only written that they kiss but not the actual act like how their hand must act. So, it depend on them.

OMG...these scene was so FUNNY...just look at YC's face and the way he mimic all the animal voice. Wonder how many NG for these scene.
MBC.....if you don't want give us the kiss scene BTS, I think for this scene you must give it to us.

and finally although it's really short but we can hear their DUET.

The same scene but different feel. The last one is more sensual, hehhee...and I also get what I want, YEH's feet scene.

We got another FOUR KISSES scene, hehehe.....it's a surprise coz never imagine this kiss will happen again. and I hope we still get this scene on the last episodes. and btw, the translation not for SUNDAES (Ice Cream).

and I really love this shoot....love their expression and the way JW touch SY's hair.

on IMU, we also get MATH, lol.....

hehehe.....Soo Yeon-ah...you wrote that just for fun. Btw, I think she left the Diary on her home. She didn't bring it when she came to HJ's house.

lol....the way YC touch his lips.....

lol....wrong evidence on the interrogation room.....

and finally SY also has a secret from JW, lol......

The same room but the different atmosphere.

Han Jung Woo....
A tips from Jung Woo......always bring coin everytime you go, hehhee.....

Lee Soo Yeon....
We can see how far SY has changed.

Kang Hyung Joon....
2 scarry HARRY.....

Kim Eun Joo.....
I like that EJ still like younger EJ, she like to tease SY, hhehe...

Love that they can start again their friendship and Eun Joo can be together with Det. Joo.

Hwang Mi Ran......
what a surprise? never thought it can be happened but I'm glad she's alive. A new Hwang Mi Ran, I hope later her relationship with JW will be better.

Kang Hyung Joo......
Ok, I am fine with her death. She is someone who already death and I think her real death really has an impact for HJ. We'll see what will happen next. So, coldness and mind illness can make people die.

Han Tae Jun......
I am feel pity with him, like JW said before. I think he never had happiness in his life.

Chief Police.........(forget his name, hehe....)
oohhh, it's so cool that JW can use that triple word on him.

We have couple mug, hehhe.....with that LOVE sign...I thought we will get this scene at indoor but unfortunately it was outdoor (already thought bed scene after this, lol....)

Is this the same location?

We got some mistake from HTJ & LSY on previous episode and now, KHJ also did the same thing.

Fortunately no mistake from HJW. When I watch this scene, I was prepare to see his mistake, hehhee....

Usually we got a shot from her right nail but this time we got from her left nail. The design different from her right nail.

They change the table position.

I love the intense of this scene & they all give their best acting.

yeah, IMU is the 1st drama from Lead Male POV, a lot of episode had an ending with JW's expression.

His Trademark......POUTY LIPS...

and the writer really a CHUNSA, hehee....She know that YC love fishing.

and this is YC's complaint, hehehe.....

lol on his expression on this scene. It look like his mission are failed, hahaha........and the smile on this scene, I think it was YC's smile.

so, is it a new YC's skill? hehhee.......he can talk French? lol at Det. Joo's expression....

You can see on this vid, YC's French skill....

from HJW's resume on previous episode....you can see on these vid, YC perform his taekwondo...(from minute 07:17) and also watch the other part of these vid. You can see YC's interaction with children. I hope we can see JW interaction with his 6 child, lol.....
and the very funny thing from a young girl (part 5 of these vids, minute 6:15).....whom she didn't like between DBSK's member and her answer is Yoo Chun and it make him surprise & JS looks happy. and you know what, her reason is "He's so cute, I think I'll turn RED if I sit next to him" lol...
so, if someone on some thread don't like him, I think maybe the reason maybe similar like that. hahaha......

sorry coz I post this on this thread, hehehe....
I see YC & EH's smile on this pic....

and it really happen on their own life, lol....

and I see and heard YC & EH's smile & voice.....

I think YC & EH really take a picture on these scene.

I really hope, later, they can do this again on their real life....

this thing can really happen on their life.....YC start the conversation with something like that and make EH laugh. He already make EH often laughing now.

and I see YC & EH walk like this on their real life.

We still have these scene......

omo....so whose body is that? Is it LSY? coz HJ already said this......and IF it really happen, at the end HJ must be very sorry for that and make him cry like that. IF SY die, the best thing for JW is also die.
But we still have the other person. Maybe it is HMR & this time, she really die.
We've never seen HJ's face expression when he did that. maybe this time, we will see it. When he kill Det. Kim, his ekspression was a little smile but maybe next time, we will see he's crying. and finally we get our quota for death body. 7 death body.

and I thought that there was an airport scene but until now, we don't see that. maybe on eps.20 we will see that scene.

and we still have this unanswerd question & promise...

IF JW really get a shoot, I think it will be the ending on eps. 20 and on eps. 21, we will see SY knit scraft for him when she wait him heal from his wound on hospital and then we will get their wedding scene on the 1st snow, hehehe.....
It will be their good memories.
and SY already said that she will be seeing him...maybe she walk on the aisle & JW wait her on the altar.
Then we finally get their BED SCENE.
So, Yoo Chun-ah.....you still can have bed scene after you failed last time, so why you want Jung Woo die????
That's it for now, looking forward for the last episodes. I hope the ending will be satisfied for everybody.

IMU for the last episodes. If you still can't reach no.1 position on rating, it's OK coz you already no. 1 on BOGOers hearts.

Are we like this every Wednesday & Thusday?

From Nov 7th till Feb'17th.....Actually it's not too long but we all here like old friend. Sharing info & thought, negative & positive thoughts, fight & at peace and finally we almost at the end of our journey, 2 episodes left.
We love to see the life romance of WooYeon couple but also love if that will be become ChunHye couple...
Just imagine this pic is their pre-wedding picture.......

so, let's begin.....
Today's colour theme is BLUE........and also GREEN......
BLUE for The RELIABLE Eun Joo.......

So far Eun Joo is someone who always bring info for SY and this time, she is the one who made HJ can met his mom and returning that pendantcoz he doesn't need that anymore and the same with SY who returning the necklace to him. Goods returned to it's owner.

GREEN for HJ'own world......
Green can provide security and protection but can also lead to feeling trapped.

and HJ actually being trapped on his own paradise.

I use butterfly coz on these episode we got butterfly, just a symbol for HJ that finally he out of his cocoon but unfortunately he didn't become a beautiful butterfly.

Han Jung Woo with his HYUNG......Finally, he is no longer his wifey and back to be his HYUNG, hehehe...

and when they shown us this scene, I knew that it must be a memorable number, hehe....

Han Jung Woo with his AEIN.......
OMG, this scene is so funny....just look at YC's face, lol......and the reason why. hahaha.....he has to treasure his lips...coz his lips is only for SY(YEH) lol....

and watch this vid, from minute 5:40 when he got ask about will he accept kiss scene after marriage? & he said that he though that he will try his best to avoid it...but it works. lol

and when I watch that scene, it made me remember this vid, when he must to try acting with his senior and must kiss on her forehead and lol...he could't do that, hahhaa.....so, I want to see the BTS for this scene. If MBC will not give us BTS from ChunHye, I hope they can give us this kiss BTS, hehhe....The acting scene is from minute 04:57.

and I am become shipper for this couple, lol....like SY said that she is going to get her mom married off if she'll find someone like Det. Kim.
But Soo Yeon-ah....please arrange your married first.

Han Jung Woo and his SISTER......
lol....on Ah-Reum face when she know that Zoe is LSY and she remember about the almost kiss and like that AR always give a very good information for JW. She is a really good spy. hehhee....and for HJ-AR shipper, it really can't happen, hahhaa.....how about Ah Reum with Det. Ahn?

Han Jung Woo and his KIDDO......
wow.....like the looks from JW. Finally he get the evidence & witness. I think HJ know that something has happened when he see JW's face like that.

Han Jung Woo and his LOVER......
I like that JW always wait SY to hold his hand.

JW's hand always give her the strength and security.

Stay with his own word, never let go her hand.....

I also love their look to each other.

and don't forget about their hug.....btw, I think this scene there are more than 1 take coz there are 2 different shoot.
1. JW put his cheek on her hair.
2. JW put his chin on her hair.
btw, did you all notice the person on the back seat? it's give a little scare, lol.....

and this couple is really a healing couple for each other.

so far we knew JW's mind but we've never know SY's mind and really like to know that SY is also a smart person (she can connect all the puzzle).
and the word from her to make JW sure about her heart & she really forgive him. ALL I NEED IS YOU.

I knew that JW must be like usual JW especially when I saw his eyes like that, hehhe.....still count just on THREE.

ooohhh.....SY walk like 15 years old SY but this time JW didn't refuse but he did the same like SY's hand & than he hold her hand.

On the 1st kiss, he told her all his secret but this time he kept it.

Love the kiss, it's different from their 1st kiss which full of tears but now full of smile.

and I like it. that finally EH can use her hand, lol...I think it is good & has a meaning that she can accept him do sexual thing with her.
I think the failed bed scene must be failed although JW can did that, hehehe.....it was not the right time for SY.

although it was a long shoot but we can still see that they really did the REAL KISS. Just see their hand (body) movement.
I know we will never get the BTS for this scene, I think usually actress,actor, PD or maybe the writer discuss about the kiss scene.
They must know if the kiss will get long shoot. So, I appreciate that they really give their best. And I think on the script just only written that they kiss but not the actual act like how their hand must act. So, it depend on them.

OMG...these scene was so FUNNY...just look at YC's face and the way he mimic all the animal voice. Wonder how many NG for these scene.
MBC.....if you don't want give us the kiss scene BTS, I think for this scene you must give it to us.

and finally although it's really short but we can hear their DUET.

The same scene but different feel. The last one is more sensual, hehhee...and I also get what I want, YEH's feet scene.

We got another FOUR KISSES scene, hehehe.....it's a surprise coz never imagine this kiss will happen again. and I hope we still get this scene on the last episodes. and btw, the translation not for SUNDAES (Ice Cream).

and I really love this shoot....love their expression and the way JW touch SY's hair.

on IMU, we also get MATH, lol.....

hehehe.....Soo Yeon-ah...you wrote that just for fun. Btw, I think she left the Diary on her home. She didn't bring it when she came to HJ's house.

lol....the way YC touch his lips.....

lol....wrong evidence on the interrogation room.....

and finally SY also has a secret from JW, lol......

The same room but the different atmosphere.

Han Jung Woo....
A tips from Jung Woo......always bring coin everytime you go, hehhee.....

Lee Soo Yeon....
We can see how far SY has changed.

Kang Hyung Joon....
2 scarry HARRY.....

Kim Eun Joo.....
I like that EJ still like younger EJ, she like to tease SY, hhehe...

Love that they can start again their friendship and Eun Joo can be together with Det. Joo.

Hwang Mi Ran......
what a surprise? never thought it can be happened but I'm glad she's alive. A new Hwang Mi Ran, I hope later her relationship with JW will be better.

Kang Hyung Joo......
Ok, I am fine with her death. She is someone who already death and I think her real death really has an impact for HJ. We'll see what will happen next. So, coldness and mind illness can make people die.

Han Tae Jun......
I am feel pity with him, like JW said before. I think he never had happiness in his life.

Chief Police.........(forget his name, hehe....)
oohhh, it's so cool that JW can use that triple word on him.

We have couple mug, hehhe.....with that LOVE sign...I thought we will get this scene at indoor but unfortunately it was outdoor (already thought bed scene after this, lol....)

Is this the same location?

We got some mistake from HTJ & LSY on previous episode and now, KHJ also did the same thing.

Fortunately no mistake from HJW. When I watch this scene, I was prepare to see his mistake, hehhee....

Usually we got a shot from her right nail but this time we got from her left nail. The design different from her right nail.

They change the table position.

I love the intense of this scene & they all give their best acting.

yeah, IMU is the 1st drama from Lead Male POV, a lot of episode had an ending with JW's expression.

His Trademark......POUTY LIPS...

and the writer really a CHUNSA, hehee....She know that YC love fishing.

and this is YC's complaint, hehehe.....

lol on his expression on this scene. It look like his mission are failed, hahaha........and the smile on this scene, I think it was YC's smile.

so, is it a new YC's skill? hehhee.......he can talk French? lol at Det. Joo's expression....

You can see on this vid, YC's French skill....

from HJW's resume on previous episode....you can see on these vid, YC perform his taekwondo...(from minute 07:17) and also watch the other part of these vid. You can see YC's interaction with children. I hope we can see JW interaction with his 6 child, lol.....
and the very funny thing from a young girl (part 5 of these vids, minute 6:15).....whom she didn't like between DBSK's member and her answer is Yoo Chun and it make him surprise & JS looks happy. and you know what, her reason is "He's so cute, I think I'll turn RED if I sit next to him" lol...
so, if someone on some thread don't like him, I think maybe the reason maybe similar like that. hahaha......

sorry coz I post this on this thread, hehehe....
I see YC & EH's smile on this pic....

and it really happen on their own life, lol....

and I see and heard YC & EH's smile & voice.....

I think YC & EH really take a picture on these scene.

I really hope, later, they can do this again on their real life....

this thing can really happen on their life.....YC start the conversation with something like that and make EH laugh. He already make EH often laughing now.

and I see YC & EH walk like this on their real life.

We still have these scene......

omo....so whose body is that? Is it LSY? coz HJ already said this......and IF it really happen, at the end HJ must be very sorry for that and make him cry like that. IF SY die, the best thing for JW is also die.
But we still have the other person. Maybe it is HMR & this time, she really die.
We've never seen HJ's face expression when he did that. maybe this time, we will see it. When he kill Det. Kim, his ekspression was a little smile but maybe next time, we will see he's crying. and finally we get our quota for death body. 7 death body.

and I thought that there was an airport scene but until now, we don't see that. maybe on eps.20 we will see that scene.

and we still have this unanswerd question & promise...

IF JW really get a shoot, I think it will be the ending on eps. 20 and on eps. 21, we will see SY knit scraft for him when she wait him heal from his wound on hospital and then we will get their wedding scene on the 1st snow, hehehe.....
It will be their good memories.
and SY already said that she will be seeing him...maybe she walk on the aisle & JW wait her on the altar.
Then we finally get their BED SCENE.
So, Yoo Chun-ah.....you still can have bed scene after you failed last time, so why you want Jung Woo die????
That's it for now, looking forward for the last episodes. I hope the ending will be satisfied for everybody.

IMU for the last episodes. If you still can't reach no.1 position on rating, it's OK coz you already no. 1 on BOGOers hearts.

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