wow, I like that I heard that word again from Chunie, hehhe...."HI" is the 1st English word that I heard from Chunie & suddenly I love his English, hahaha....
and if you all (not a JYJ's fan, I know you all have already watched it) want to see it, here is the link for the 1st interview of JYJ that I watched & it just 13 minutes interview but I think you can more understand about Chunie. Sorry guys if it look like OOT.

Now, the colour has changed. YELLOW turn to RED. Like SY's decision of her life.

RED for BASIC Survival......She already has survive after all the bad thing happen. Like JW's said that he's glad that she is alive.

RED for "fight or flight".....She choose to still fight for her life & not "flight" or running anymore. She already has accept that she is LSY altough she doesn't want want back tp LSY but started a new life as Zoe.

RED for Warmth.....Both, HJW & LSY give each other warmth & I really like this scene. They give each other a blanket to provide warmth.

RED for Excitement......Each other feel excited about the presence of each other.

wow, I like that I heard that word again from Chunie, hehhe...."HI" is the 1st English word that I heard from Chunie & suddenly I love his English, hahaha....
and if you all (not a JYJ's fan, I know you all have already watched it) want to see it, here is the link for the 1st interview of JYJ that I watched & it just 13 minutes interview but I think you can more understand about Chunie. Sorry guys if it look like OOT.

Now, the colour has changed. YELLOW turn to RED. Like SY's decision of her life.

RED for BASIC Survival......She already has survive after all the bad thing happen. Like JW's said that he's glad that she is alive.

RED for "fight or flight".....She choose to still fight for her life & not "flight" or running anymore. She already has accept that she is LSY altough she doesn't want want back tp LSY but started a new life as Zoe.

RED for Warmth.....Both, HJW & LSY give each other warmth & I really like this scene. They give each other a blanket to provide warmth.

RED for Excitement......Each other feel excited about the presence of each other.

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Very excited everytime they meet or will meet. The 1st time I watched this scene, I only recognized the word of "ddoboki" and wonder why she keep repeat it, hehehe.....Finally SY know that JW already read & remember all the things she wrote on her diary. Looking forward for another things from her diary. I hope it must be more embarrassing thing, hahaha......

And it bring us to HJW the REMINDER. Remember this word from Det.Kim? So you couldn't be surprise if JW remember all things.

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but, OMG...Jung Woo-ah....what kind of brain that you have? and not everyone have the same brain like you. He remember all things although he only hear or see just once. Look at his face on this scene. He feel confuse why SY doesn't remember about the secret of fighting. hehehe.....but finally happy that SY can remember it.

and I like on this scene that he echo Det.Kim's word.....

but I like that he didn't imitating 100% of Det. Kim action when he got fire. His action with only satire words, I think it will more spoke than shouting and throwing.

and I like that JW's respond, he use KHJ's own word. hehe....

and back to the RED thing, not only SY use that colour, other character also use that colour.
JW finally use other colour, hahaha.....and I like he copy everything SY wear, drinks & word, hehhee......

our 2nd Lead also use RED colour.

and also the other cast. HTJ, HAR & HAR's omma (forget her name, hehhe....)

and the case on IMY also use RED colour.

and thank you for the PD coz he give me my fav. colour, hahaha.....

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THE RELATIONSHIP......Han Jung Woo with his Lover.
Funny when she slap her & this time he call her "ahjumma", hehehe....
btw, HJW get so many hit this week. Poor Chunie.

I like that when he got nothing to do, the best thing is call his lover, hehehe..... and their conversation is really a satire for goverment, right?

Han Jung Woo and his WIFE.....
Actually I'm still confuse about this relationship. Who is the wife & who is the hubby. Maybe my question will not has an aswer, hahaha....and JW's wife is always to share anything with him, hahaha.....Actually I was waiting for JW's reaction & glad that he didn't take it, hahaha.....If you want to sharing it, why you didn't use glass? hahaha....

This scene is really funny, hehhee.....JW is the one who said that no secret between him and his wife. But if your wife ask you about your other woman, the best thing is divert the question to something else. But, please don't give a confusing statement.

I almost have a heart attack too like almost happen with Det. Joo, hahaha....everytime he scream, I was wondering "WHAT HAPPEN? hehehe...

Btw, I like Det.Joo's sense of humour, hahaha......I think it was actually not a funny scene but I found myself laugh for this scene, hehe...

and also his talking habit. hehehe.....we never get his complete sentences.

There is a reason why Det. Joo remind about that thing coz finally JW get fired.

and he will miss him.

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Han Jung Woo with his sister.OMO...cute scene. I hope later JW get another scene like this with SY.

This scene is really funny & remind me with another scene on RTP, hehehe...Only count to three but passing through the one and two, hehehe..
Dirty mind JW. Look at his face. So, what will happen if it is really SY? We will get morning kiss? hahaha....
MBC give us the BTS of this cute scene coz we can see YC's funny rehearsal with PD. But they never give us the kiss BTS coz even the rehearsal from ChunHye is too hot to handle.

btw, this room really like Room of Requirement on Harry Potter. If you want have a bed to sleep, you can get it on this room and JW's 1st kiss was also happen on this room but I hope the story has an ending like on HP (1st kiss Harry Potter was on that room but his kiss was not with his soulmate). and it look like the interior has changed. Which one do you all like? I like the newest one.

and lol when he really try to explain about their relationship, hahaha.....

Han Jung Woo with his dad.
OOhhh....poor JW, the last time he gotwhen he stay on that house was a slap. Then 14 years later, the 1st time you come to that house you also got a slap on the same position at the same room.

Han Jung Woo with his "FRIEND"
OMG, what do you all think when saw this scene?

Was it YC's giggle or JW's giggle? Maybe Chunie remembering his X-Man days when he said that "Noona, please look after me" but after 8 years, he can kiss her. I think he never imagine it can be happen, hahaha....

and THANK YOU PD-nim, finally you hear our request. THE ZOOM SHOOT from their 2nd HOT KISS.

and also THANK YOU for Writer-nim to NOT give kiss scene to KHJ. It was already 3 time and your time already had ended & blocked.

I like that JW treat her as a friend, not to push her to answer his question and change the situation to more happy mode.

especially for this scene when he pretend that he didn't heard SY's cry. Love it.

I was wondering what exactly the song which JW sing and lol when I knew.

We also got another language from WooYeon, hehehe.....hand talk & also the eye talk.

and we get a scene LSY cooking for JW.

This is the 1st time SY hear about his mom and the 1st time also for JW talk about his mother.

The sub was the same but I think I heard something different when JW gave SY a look for his phone?

and JW look too comfortable on someone's house, hahaha.....

and because of that, you got your penalty. RUNNING......JW always must run if he want to find SY.

These 2 look so cute when they sleep.

WooYeon's gesture......
Love all their gesture, the look, the touch.
I like that JW always want to see SY's reaction when he did something.

and like his friendship gesture.

Absolutely LOVE this scene and we got live version for this scene last night.

Love this simple hand gesture.

Han Jung Woo quote.....
Love all his lines....
He remember all Det.Kim advice...

Love all their gesture, the look, the touch.
I like that JW always want to see SY's reaction when he did something.

and like his friendship gesture.

Absolutely LOVE this scene and we got live version for this scene last night.

Love this simple hand gesture.

Han Jung Woo quote.....
Love all his lines....
He remember all Det.Kim advice...

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but sometimes waiting is not the best thing.

Love his decision.

and finally we can hear JW's speak out his mind very loud.

I like that he use the word "LIKE" refer to their relationship. They still don't reach on the "LOVE" level. and I know there will something special when JW said that word. Not like KHJ's declaration of his love.

OMG, Jung Woo-ah.....What do you mean with that words? You mean, if you die you also ask SY to die too? I hope it doesn't happen to our OTP.
So far, we got 5 dead body. If the writer really HP's fans & love number 7 (like me), so we will get 2 more dead body.
Coz, KHJ's mom has not die, maybe on the trailer, the body beside KHJ is his mom. So, we only have 1 more victim. Maybe it will be HTJ, KHJ or the real Harry.

Lee Soo Yeon quote.....Finally we can also hear SY's mind out and loud. I like it. Really, she must say it very loud & make her feel relieved.

The thick skinned Han Jung Woo.....hahaha....Jung Woo-ah, I think you still can hear that song without put the phone near your ear. Is that his ad-lib?

OMG...Jung Woo-ah....there is only 1 boy on the picture. She will doesn't has difficulty to recognize which one is you. hahaha....
So, he really proud of his handsome face, hahaha....and the smile when he said that his aunt pretty just like him. hahha....
Is it another ad-lib?

Omo, JW really keep his words. He drink 4 cups. hahaha...

and he has the same taste with SY.

Finally he admit it to SY. This is his 2nd time get kicked out from home and now he is homeless.

and lol for his innocent suggestion.

Lee Soo Yeon the Designer.....
I really2 hope that SY keep her promise. I want her dressing JW. It will be the 1st time on K-Drama right, when the Female Lead is the one who dressing the Male Lead.

and this is his 1st time to see SY's works & he look prouds of it.

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Han Jung Woo's job....
omo....now he is homeless and jobless too.

and he will never get advantage to this again.

btw, I don't know which one is JW's head chief when he was young. Is it him?

Kim Eun Joo.....
ooh, it turns out that EJ is the one who see that water circle. I can understand why EJ said a little harsh to SY.

Kang Hyung Joon....
I feel pity for him on the 1st pic scene but I really hate him when see his devilish smile.

Park Yoo Chun.....
There was an article about PYC's Champion in interpersonal chemistry but I think he looks has a good chemistry with anything, hahhaa......he has a good chemistry with his own dog,....

and also with this wall, hahaha....

Love his lips. btw, he sleeps like my 2,5 years old nephew. hehehe.....

Did you all hear his sound on this scene? hahaha...so funny.

Is the wink also will become JW's habit? hahaha.....or it just YC's ad-lib?

It looks like on every drama he must do at least 1 sports scene, hehehe....He did archery on SKKS, swim on Ripley, squash on RTP & billiards on IMY. Btw, he did all scene with his left hand, hehe...
Let's see what he will do on his next drama.

Yoon Eun Hye.....
So, there are YEH's selca on JW's phone? hehehe...
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on the same day scene but on KHJ's house, she wear a cross necklace (maybe it's belong to her own) and the next scene, she didn't wear it.

I've still haven't found the exact yellow/red clothes pin. So far, I only get this. Red Pin with my initial. hehehe....

I think the necklace will become important thing to the case.

The shoes.....It was definitely KHJ's shoes voice. ooohhhh, everytime they gave us that sounds, I have goosebumps. They still use French's culture to wear shoes at home. Not as usual Korean culture, use sandals at home.

and that made me notice this thing....when JW chase Harry, he already wears his shoes. Did he has time to wear it?

So, here it is the real Harry, looking forward what is the reason HJ use his name. and poor JW, he got punch & kick from him. Dir. Nam really make a good job, even he was murdered, he still can keep the usb on his mouth and we got another "tounge" scene, hahaha....and let's see what will be JW's action after he got fired.

We got the same ending. LSY in the arms of our man. eh, btw, how come JW can enter HJ's house? The door gate already opened? Looking forward for JW's reaction. Will he leave SY again? or he will take her?

So, that's it. Sorry for the long post I make twice than usual for the screen cap.
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