A little late for celebrate RTP’s 1 year anniversary coz actually I didn’t prepare anything for that, hehehe......so need time to make something for celebrate it. I already wrote about RTP as my number 1 fav drama & about Yoo Chun as Lee Gak so this time I will write for the most memorable/favourite scene from my other favourite couple - GakHa couple. Coz I use the word “MOST” so I will choose only for 1 scene on every episode (although on 3 episodes, I will choose 4 fav.scenes - also like number 4, hehhe.....coz 7 fav.scenes are too many, hehhee......). It's kinda hard actually coz I have a lot of favourite scenes.
Many thanks for all RoofToopers who made awesome gifts. I use a lot of those gifts this time so credit to all RoofToopers Tumblr.
Episode 1

The 1st scene from our couple. If I am the Princess, I will so jealous with this two, hahhaa.....they look more comfortable with each oter. And from this scene we got the infamous Lee Gak's question : "What dies despite living, and lives despite dying?..........and actually I must think hard for the answer that time, hehhee......and the question will be answered on the end of the series.
Episode 2

lol...this scene is so funny.....anyone of you have tried that? I don't like sweet things & ever drink soju only for a small glass, hehehe.....and I thought....OMO...only for 2nd episode we already get the 1st kiss? hahhaa....but gladly it didn't happen coz I don't want their 1st kiss happen when they drunk and off course it was too early....
Episode 3

wow.....the 1st time heard Lee Gak's laugh.....This scene is so funny coz we can see behind his stiff appearance there is still a child inside. I think this is the 1st time for Lee Gak for having fun like that coz as a Prince, he must always keep up his appearance in front his people.
Episode 4

Their 1st misunderstanding......I love it, hahhaa.....Before this happen, they always bickering but that time I think Lee Gak already had a feeling for Park Ha. He felt that her promise with him was not important but unfortunately they both had crappy days so at the end they take it out on each other.
Episode 5

Love this scene, I always like that our Lead Male chasing our Lead Female, hahaha......although that time was not a romantic reconciliation and OMO....was that on the script? Lee Gak hold Park Ha's wrist too tight and made her wrist become red.

LOL at Lee Gak's smile when Park Ha registers his new hair cut....I know Lee Gak.....you're more handsome with that hair cut.

yeahhh....their 1st hug....after told her that she'll make a good memories from now....Then the 1st good memory happen, hehhe......Feeling something spark.
Episode 6

Lee Gak's 1st time ride a bike....like the 1st time we learn how to ride a bike with falling and frustation, hehhee....but unfortunately he learn it for Se Na.
Episode 7
For this episode I choose 4 scenes, hehhee.....it just my fav.number & on this episode, there were a lot of memorable scene.

Actually this scene should be a sad scene coz that time Park Ha had a very bad day but when heard Lee Gak drinking his milk. It will be a funny scene, hahaha.....He followed her because he thought she sad and just sitting on the bench next to her. The 1st time ever watch drinking things can be so cute. hehhee.....

This scene is hilarious, hahaha......For someone who didn't want to do it before and decided finally want to do it, Lee Gak did it very well, hahaha.....

Love the consoling hug.....btw, everytime Lee Gak said that Park Ha will only make good memories, the hug always happen. hehhe....

OMG.......I love this scene so much....it's the opposite scene with scene on eps.3.....I like that the writer wrote the same scene like this but with different feeling now. I love that they shoot this scene from the bus window. Love his smile.
Episode 8

This scene also hilarious...never thought that Lee Gak can do that, hahaha.....Keep pretending he can't breathe just because he want more kiss, hahaha.....and Park Ha's response...."Then don't breathe!"......hahaha.......
Episode 9
Episode 9

Love the cherry blossom fall into him but poor Lee Gak, stay in the same position from night till morning and it's also cold. I think (maybe wrong) only with Ji Min, Yoo Chun ever put his feet on her lap although it's only for treats his legs with medicated ointment.
Episode 10

LOL at this scene.....actually I want she did mistake & send the text she wrote to Lee Gak and then, yeah, she did that, hahaha.......and the way she try for Lee Gak didn't read it was so funny.

yeah....finally Lee Gak read it....I like that Park Ha was the 1st one who said that word....Yeah, can't expect Lee Gak will be the 1st one who said that.
Episode 11
Episode 10

LOL at this scene.....actually I want she did mistake & send the text she wrote to Lee Gak and then, yeah, she did that, hahaha.......and the way she try for Lee Gak didn't read it was so funny.

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yeah....finally Lee Gak read it....I like that Park Ha was the 1st one who said that word....Yeah, can't expect Lee Gak will be the 1st one who said that.
Episode 11

I count these scenes as 1 scene coz it was Lee Gak & Park Ha's reaction about the text. I was looking forward for Lee Gak's reaction after he read the text and because he is a responsible man & has a mission, he must to say that harsh word ......"DON'T LIKE ME"......sad for Park Ha....she got rejection with that word. And later Park Ha said..."I'm not telling you to like me"....It's for her pride.
Episode 12

LOVE....LOVE...this scene. Their 1st KISS. But before that we got a long rant from Lee Gak.
Do you know how much I looked for you? Writing a measly letter and not being reachable by phone, are you planning to kill me out of shock? Why are you rendering me to such a state? Why did you make me like this? My heart felt as if it’s shriveled up all day yesterday, and my heart was racing and felt as if it was going to explode and I felt so exasperated, and I felt asphyxiated even when I was breathing and seriously thought I was going to go crazy! Despite how much I shouted and stomped my feet, it didn‘t make me feel better, even in the slightest! But now, after seeing your face, I think I understand. I had wanted to see you all day yesterday. I like you.”
Episode 13

Lee Gak is so handsome with white colour.
Episode 12

LOVE....LOVE...this scene. Their 1st KISS. But before that we got a long rant from Lee Gak.
Do you know how much I looked for you? Writing a measly letter and not being reachable by phone, are you planning to kill me out of shock? Why are you rendering me to such a state? Why did you make me like this? My heart felt as if it’s shriveled up all day yesterday, and my heart was racing and felt as if it was going to explode and I felt so exasperated, and I felt asphyxiated even when I was breathing and seriously thought I was going to go crazy! Despite how much I shouted and stomped my feet, it didn‘t make me feel better, even in the slightest! But now, after seeing your face, I think I understand. I had wanted to see you all day yesterday. I like you.”
Episode 13

Lee Gak is so handsome with white colour.

lol at the finger....and poor Park Ha, hahaha.....

Episode 14

aaahhhh...CUTE scene.....Lee Gak finally want to share his fav, hahaha....and doing laundry together, it's so sweet, hahaha....
Episode 15

aaahhhh....finally Park Ha saw that Lee Gak fades in and out & it became her alarm that the time to let him go will come soon. So sad when watch this scene but I know it must happen.
Episode 16

Just love their hug.....after stressful coz Lee Gak disappeared without notice & found the same person but didn't recognize her finally she can meet him again. When saw LG's signature hands behind back....my thought was "Ohhh, Lee Gak, why you did that? Someone will know that you're not the real Tae Yong." Glad, it was PH who saw him.

yeahhh...another kiss....I was looking forward for this kiss and happy that Lee Gak look comfy to kiss her that time.
Episode 16

Just love their hug.....after stressful coz Lee Gak disappeared without notice & found the same person but didn't recognize her finally she can meet him again. When saw LG's signature hands behind back....my thought was "Ohhh, Lee Gak, why you did that? Someone will know that you're not the real Tae Yong." Glad, it was PH who saw him.

yeahhh...another kiss....I was looking forward for this kiss and happy that Lee Gak look comfy to kiss her that time.
Episode 17

Actually didn't expect this kiss, hehehe....but I love this kiss, it looks like he did the kiss everyday & everytime she wake. hehehe.....
Episode 18

ooohhh.....finally it's time for Lee Gak to see the fades things by himself and I just love their hug coz this time full with relief coz they can still holding each other.
Episode 19
From the two last episode, I also choose 4 scenes coz it have a lot of memorable scene.

When saw this scene, finally I realize that the one who was die on Josoen time was Bu Yong not the princess. Is it the late thought? hahaha....Sometimes I don't want thinking too much when watch a drama, just enjoy it.
It's a deja vu but this time, a little different coz he saw it in front on his own eyes.....ooohhh....poor Lee Gak.....But I know Park Ha will not die, we still have the last episode, hehhe....

Thank you Lee Gak for fullfill Park Ha's wish to get marry. Although at the beginning, Lee Gak didn't give romantic words of proposal. hehehe.....

I really like this bed scene. It was romantic although it also sad. I like at the end, Park Ha move closer and hug him.

ooohh....I knew that will be their last kiss. Lee Gak's time on modern time almost over. But it's so sad coz their last kiss happened on the event which should be a happy event. Especially after the kiss, finally the time has come....Lee Gak disappear.

Finally we got another scene from Lee Gak & Bu Yong......and this time Lee Gak ask Bu Yong the answer and later we found out that the answer is none other than her own name......BU YONG (LOTUS)......and we also got to know how big BY's sacrifice because of her love to Lee Gak.

"If I could die and meet you, I would die right now".......ooohh...is that romantic or what? Just imagine that Lee Gak really die on his young age. So, than yeah, he really meet Park Ha after 300 years passed.

when saw Tae Young came to Park Ha's shop, I was waiting for Park Ha's reaction when she saw him. But, NO....she even didn't spare him a glance. But actually I was glad that she didn't see him.

Like I said before I think the ending was satisfying. Lee Gak (Tae Young) & (Bu Yong) Park Ha still have an Happy Ending although must wait for 300 years.
If you believe in reincarnation so Tae Young & Park Ha are Lee Gak & Bu Yong's reincarnation. Park Ha doesn't has Bu Yong's memories but Tae Young after back from his coma, I think he has Lee Gak's memories.
So, that's it...my memorable/fav. scenes from RTP and.....

RTP for made me knew about Park Yoo Chun..
credit pics & gifs to the original owner
OMG my RTP feels >< I'm missing this drama badly :(