Yellow is back....

but I also got my fav,.colour on my fav.number episode ( 7&8). I love the bag, the coat & the nail art.

& off course...JW's birthday.....But sadly, the gift he got was a slap and he really felt better.
When Kim Myung Hee's b'day (SY's mom, finally I know her name, hehhee....) they separate. When JW's b'day, he was sure that he find SY.
Maybe on the next episode, we will get SY's b'day but on that time, that will be a happy birthday.

so, let's start.....
This drama really like a word "TODAY".....

Everything happen just for today. I like that SY is the one who ask JW to get a drink.

Love his gaze.......

It was so funny that JW only drink mineral water, hehhee.....and the reason was he had rituals, ...because drink & karaoke is a pair. haha....

I like that SY try to ask him this question. She want to know the answer for her curiosity.

I like that JW gave her a metaphor answer. He was too fast. ooohhhh.......and SY gave a satire response.

and her little laugh when she call him Detective HJW. Before he was "coward" but now he is a detective. And on the next scene when he tell her that he is a detective.

I like that SY also has the same gesture when she want to feel the wind.

I really like that SY try to torture him, hehhee....

and her effort to make him want to do what she want, hehhe.....she realy shout at him.

and like usual, he turn around from his left side.

I want to felt sorry for him but I laugh when I saw this scene....hhehehe....

OOhhh....I really love this scene, hehehe.....SY looks very sexy & JW"s eyes. LOL..... I like the dress, the shoes, the bag, the hair & the makeup. She really try to torture him, hahhaa......coz I think it was not her usual style.

What exactly he was looking at? Her shoes or her sexy leg? hehhe.....

Luckily, she has a reason to find him on his office. Yeah, the bench was different with the rehearsal. I think it was more comfortable for YC when he shift.

I love this scene. She looks comfort when she hold his hands and I think she write a little long, hehehe....

and you know what, that was the reason why JW didn't get shower, hahaha.....He still has her number on the next day. and btw, now he know what will be SY's look when she has makeup. hehehe....

I think after he drove his mom home, he change his shoes.

and I felt sorry for YC, so far he had 4 run scene for 4 episodes and I think he will have another run scene.

When I saw this scene, I was scream...."Jung Woo, lift your head".....hehhe.....but it was better that he didn't see them.

She has a little sad when once again he run away from her.

She want to turture him but she was actually who's being more tortured and it look that she think that EJ is his girlfriend like I predict before.

especially because EJ also said about only friend.

I never thought that the rapist was the key that make him know for sure that Zoe is LSY. Thanks to all CCTV.

Unfortunately for YC, he still can't hug EH, hahhaa......coz all his romantic scene right now belong to LSY's mom, hahhaa....

When he's close, you don't see him but when he's gone you find him.

I think SY got a little angry coz she think that her mom doesn't want to remember her.

I think JoonSoo's relationship not by love but just because they need each other.

and when I saw this scene...OH, NNNNOOOOOOO......... Please don't make SY accept his kiss. and so happy when she dodge. hehehe.......
HJ, her first kiss MUST BE with JW, hehhee.....And my scenario for their 1st kiss is:
1. Location : Under the streetlight (maybe JW will tell her about their 1st kiss on the bus) or on playground.
2. Time : On the 1st snow & maybe on her birthday (We don't know when her birthday yet.)

coz HJ gave her a necklace before he try to kiss her so I want ....
3. At first JW pinch the yellow clip on her than kiss her very gently . Btw, the necklace was really good on her. I think maybe also will be good on YC, hahhaa....

and he looks cute when wear the clip.

so, there it is. The Picture.

I think I never watch a series when the Lead Male has many cute scene with the older. and wow.....JW, although he has a game with his "mom", he also want to try a theory for his case. Bravo........

and the silly dance, LOL . Wow, so far the writer really know what we want. I want singing,dancing,cooking scene and we got. So, looking forward for all my wishes come true, hehhee....

but not only for LSY's mom, he has a nickname but also for his friend, ......LOVER & WIFE.....hahhaha....

and these scenes was really funny, hehhee......

they did a good acting for a detective, hehehe......

I like EJ still has the same personality. I like her advise for JW & she looks good with JW's friend.

I like the cute scene between JW & AR and I think AR looks good with HJ, hehhee.....I'm sure that they don't have blood relation, hahhaa....

I like thet JW & SY have the same hand gesture.

We got different hand gesture from WooYeon & JoonSoo....

and also this foot gesture.

THE CASE......
SO curious about the cleaning lady. Is Bo Ra really exist?

why she/he use LSY's mom name?

another blackbox scene.....I saw it 1st on RTP. It really usefull. Btw, it look different from the 1st vid & 2nd vid. On the 1st vid, the distance between SY's car & the other is kinda far but on the 2nd vid, it is so close.

I know how his fell when he saw that vid.

We got BLACK CAR for BAD GUY and we got WHITE CAR for good people. hehehe....Luckily, SY didn't has the same trouble like GAJ on Lie to Me when she want to drive her car very fast but she can't start it well.

so, now we know exactly where is the CCTV room.

and I also got a scene that I want. SY use her NOTE II to draw. I want SY dressing JW. Sometimes we need a scene when the Female Lead choose a nice clothes for the Male Lead, hehhee......and I hope they use RED LIPS than BLACK LIPS, will suit with SY's lipstick colour.

I don't like HJ's makeup. It looks like YSH just try to look older but fail (for me).

Love all Chun's expression...

The next time, he will eat the ice cream with SY, hehhe...and also try the black bean noodle.

I like that JW has a different view with SY. Let's see, can it change SY's mind?

and I really like that JW always so sure about SY. He think that she is not the culprit but I think he will protect her.

so, that's it my thought for eps. 7 & 8. Looking forward for next episodes. I hope I will get a kiss scene. It will be a birthday gift for me, hehhee....
Yellow is back....

but I also got my fav,.colour on my fav.number episode ( 7&8). I love the bag, the coat & the nail art.

& off course...JW's birthday.....But sadly, the gift he got was a slap and he really felt better.
When Kim Myung Hee's b'day (SY's mom, finally I know her name, hehhee....) they separate. When JW's b'day, he was sure that he find SY.
Maybe on the next episode, we will get SY's b'day but on that time, that will be a happy birthday.

so, let's start.....
This drama really like a word "TODAY".....

Everything happen just for today. I like that SY is the one who ask JW to get a drink.

Love his gaze.......

It was so funny that JW only drink mineral water, hehhee.....and the reason was he had rituals, ...because drink & karaoke is a pair. haha....

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I like that SY try to ask him this question. She want to know the answer for her curiosity.

I like that JW gave her a metaphor answer. He was too fast. ooohhhh.......and SY gave a satire response.

and her little laugh when she call him Detective HJW. Before he was "coward" but now he is a detective. And on the next scene when he tell her that he is a detective.

I like that SY also has the same gesture when she want to feel the wind.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
I really like that SY try to torture him, hehhee....

and her effort to make him want to do what she want, hehhe.....she realy shout at him.

and like usual, he turn around from his left side.

I want to felt sorry for him but I laugh when I saw this scene....hhehehe....

OOhhh....I really love this scene, hehehe.....SY looks very sexy & JW"s eyes. LOL..... I like the dress, the shoes, the bag, the hair & the makeup. She really try to torture him, hahhaa......coz I think it was not her usual style.

What exactly he was looking at? Her shoes or her sexy leg? hehhe.....

Luckily, she has a reason to find him on his office. Yeah, the bench was different with the rehearsal. I think it was more comfortable for YC when he shift.

I love this scene. She looks comfort when she hold his hands and I think she write a little long, hehehe....

and you know what, that was the reason why JW didn't get shower, hahaha.....He still has her number on the next day. and btw, now he know what will be SY's look when she has makeup. hehehe....

I think after he drove his mom home, he change his shoes.

and I felt sorry for YC, so far he had 4 run scene for 4 episodes and I think he will have another run scene.

When I saw this scene, I was scream...."Jung Woo, lift your head".....hehhe.....but it was better that he didn't see them.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
She has a little sad when once again he run away from her.

She want to turture him but she was actually who's being more tortured and it look that she think that EJ is his girlfriend like I predict before.

especially because EJ also said about only friend.

I never thought that the rapist was the key that make him know for sure that Zoe is LSY. Thanks to all CCTV.

Unfortunately for YC, he still can't hug EH, hahhaa......coz all his romantic scene right now belong to LSY's mom, hahhaa....

When he's close, you don't see him but when he's gone you find him.

I think SY got a little angry coz she think that her mom doesn't want to remember her.

I think JoonSoo's relationship not by love but just because they need each other.

and when I saw this scene...OH, NNNNOOOOOOO......... Please don't make SY accept his kiss. and so happy when she dodge. hehehe.......
HJ, her first kiss MUST BE with JW, hehhee.....And my scenario for their 1st kiss is:
1. Location : Under the streetlight (maybe JW will tell her about their 1st kiss on the bus) or on playground.
2. Time : On the 1st snow & maybe on her birthday (We don't know when her birthday yet.)

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
coz HJ gave her a necklace before he try to kiss her so I want ....
3. At first JW pinch the yellow clip on her than kiss her very gently . Btw, the necklace was really good on her. I think maybe also will be good on YC, hahhaa....

and he looks cute when wear the clip.

so, there it is. The Picture.

I think I never watch a series when the Lead Male has many cute scene with the older. and wow.....JW, although he has a game with his "mom", he also want to try a theory for his case. Bravo........

and the silly dance, LOL . Wow, so far the writer really know what we want. I want singing,dancing,cooking scene and we got. So, looking forward for all my wishes come true, hehhee....

but not only for LSY's mom, he has a nickname but also for his friend, ......LOVER & WIFE.....hahhaha....

and these scenes was really funny, hehhee......

they did a good acting for a detective, hehehe......

I like EJ still has the same personality. I like her advise for JW & she looks good with JW's friend.

I like the cute scene between JW & AR and I think AR looks good with HJ, hehhee.....I'm sure that they don't have blood relation, hahhaa....

I like thet JW & SY have the same hand gesture.

We got different hand gesture from WooYeon & JoonSoo....

and also this foot gesture.

THE CASE......
SO curious about the cleaning lady. Is Bo Ra really exist?

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
why she/he use LSY's mom name?

another blackbox scene.....I saw it 1st on RTP. It really usefull. Btw, it look different from the 1st vid & 2nd vid. On the 1st vid, the distance between SY's car & the other is kinda far but on the 2nd vid, it is so close.

I know how his fell when he saw that vid.

We got BLACK CAR for BAD GUY and we got WHITE CAR for good people. hehehe....Luckily, SY didn't has the same trouble like GAJ on Lie to Me when she want to drive her car very fast but she can't start it well.

so, now we know exactly where is the CCTV room.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
and I also got a scene that I want. SY use her NOTE II to draw. I want SY dressing JW. Sometimes we need a scene when the Female Lead choose a nice clothes for the Male Lead, hehhee......and I hope they use RED LIPS than BLACK LIPS, will suit with SY's lipstick colour.

I don't like HJ's makeup. It looks like YSH just try to look older but fail (for me).

Love all Chun's expression...

The next time, he will eat the ice cream with SY, hehhe...and also try the black bean noodle.

I like that JW has a different view with SY. Let's see, can it change SY's mind?

and I really like that JW always so sure about SY. He think that she is not the culprit but I think he will protect her.

so, that's it my thought for eps. 7 & 8. Looking forward for next episodes. I hope I will get a kiss scene. It will be a birthday gift for me, hehhee....
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