There are 4 things before my thoughts:
3. To be honest, eps. 12 was kinda boring without sub & like I post before...I was so sleepy that day because of the medicine I ate. Fortunately I had
a smooth live stream so I can endure. I don't know what will happen if I had bad streaming, maybe I will sleep in front of my laptop, hehhehe....
But after watching with sub, I think it is OK. All scenes are appropriate.
4. Last week I've already thought about Des 19, is IMY will aired or not. Actually I think it is good for not airing on an important date like that.
Like the election date on last April. I don't know why Korean's election always on Wednesday. But it looks like an holiday on mid week.
When I went to Everland, Korea on April 11 (it was the election date for their parlement) & it looks like everybody came to that place.
SO crowded. I think if I live in Korea, I want to enjoy my holiday time & not think about MUST arrived at home on time coz want to watch
my fav. drama, hehhee.....But I hope they will air eps. 13 & 14 on Des 20. (Note: the time I write my post, I'm still don't read newest newsabout

and let started.....
at first I want to say HI to this Yellow.
how come I didn't notice you when HJ sat beside you but I notice you when JW sat beside you, hhehee.......I like YSH, imagine if KHJ is playedbyCJM (sorry for his fans). Maybe I will not notice everything. Btw, the place is different when HJ stay & wait for SY with the place when SY came to him. Maybe the 1st place is too narrow. Than they find wider place but it is strange place coz they placing the blue clouch in front of the door.
The Relationship....
Jung Wo with his lover....
We got no lovey dovey scene from JW & his lover.....I like that JW still try to act cute.

Maybe this one will be the last hug for them or for a while? I hope not. Let's see who will be the one who will come to see first? JW or his lover. I hope it will be JW, although he try to forget SY, but I hope he still trying to see his lover.
He has so many words to reject her wish but doesn't has a word when he hear that Zoe hate her life as SY.
Jung Woo with his wife......
I think he is the 1st person who say "I Love You" to him, hahahha.....Love the hug & the way he drag him, it is so funny.

He also call Jung Woo "WIFEY" who is the "HUBBY" in this relationship? hehhee.....and the way he try not to say "LSY" is hilarious. He looks like a girl who buy some sweet to his boyfriend to cheer up him, hehehe....
Hey, we got another "TODAY' scene....Jung Woo like a little boy who did a good thing & gave praise from his mom/dad, hahaha.....Btw, I think it must be JW who got drunk than his lover, hahhaa.....
Jung Woo with his "sister" .....
If she doesn't has a real scene with JW, so we will see she carries the BEAR, hehhe....About Aerum's hair, it look like she has changing character. Not cute anymore but more mature but I think she will act cute with JW. hehe....About the right time to change his hair. I think it was the right time. It was not the next day after JW's missing but 2 days after. She knew that her oppa is safely alive. So, I think it is OK if she want to change her hair.

Jung Woo with his Rival.....
I like watch their talk, it's always has tension between this 2 man. To me, the way HJ look at JW at the 3rd pic was funny, hehhee....

WooYeon couple.......
Really love this scene. I think the scene was for fans service, hehehe.....we will don't get the shower scene from Chunie so they gave us this scene. It's really a hilarious scene before HJ interupt. and LOL....the words from JW's lover, hahhaa.....and the way SY hold her cheek.
I like that JW always watch her reaction and he always has response for every her reaction.
Smile when he saw her smile. I like that he realize her different reaction if there is HJ around them.
There is no words between them but it was "eye talk".
Like the symbol, on these episode we got a lot of shoes symbol. Btw, Soo Yeon-ah....why are you hiding like that? JW can see almost all of your body although he has misery.
This time we got words from JW but only face reaction from SY.

I think the reason why JW hug her was it will be his last skinship with her before he let her go and also because SY didn't say a word. So, itgave him a courage to hug her tight.

I like that JW respect her wish & he can let her go.
I like that they said & did the things that don't belong for his/her. It was exchanges. And now they already returning to the person whoactually has it.
I like that JW really try hard to let her go.

Finally, we got words from SY. yeeee.....But SY only ask him 1 question but he asnwer her with a lot of words.

but back to the "normal" thing, we only hear JW"s voice. So, "napkin" still "napkin" in Korean. Btw, actually she can hand him the napkin from acros but it is better scene if she hand him the napkin from his side coz he can see she bring her mom shoes.

I like their eyes talk.

and his decision to let her go but still happy when see her want to visit her mom.

I like that even he can't see her but if he hear something about her, he still look curious.

and the moment when I watch this scene, I had high anticipation for the next scene from WooYeon.

and we got the shoes symbol again. Btw, I like SY's shoes. Actually I made some guess when I saw JW sleep. What will be her reaction? Just look at him (btw, actually I want a scene like on LtM when YEH touch KJH's eyelashes, hehhee......but I know SY doesn't have a courage to touch him. But, never guess about the button symbol. It was really great scene. Coz, it was the 1st time when JW remind her about her "song" . Btw, JW really a good keeper. He keep everything who has meaning for him.

The same question but the different answer.

I like SY's reaction when she thought the button will fall and funny when he grab her skirts, hehehe.....I knew SY will run away when she saw JW already wake up but I thought JW's reaction will be get up & grab her hand. But he still on his lying position so the best way to do was grab her skirts. Fortunately or Unfortunatelly that SY didn't fall to his body, hahaha......

Unfortunately, his mom came. huh.....and btw, why JW get up and look like to want chase her? I think the time when SY close the curtain, he knew her reason.

WooYeon still......
Sleeping Beauty........I like SY's minimalist make up.

I think this white dress will be become the next symbol. Let's see the role of this white dress. How SY's looks if she wear that?

I like that even on that situation, JW still can give her the clue. And SY can understand the meaning of his words.

I think he close his eyes when he heard that Bo Ra is dead, it was because a shock & understanding. He's glad that SY didn't kill herself and still alive.

Aiihhh......we got another suspect. So, who he/she is?

I know that the cleaning lady thought it was SY. But I think the sound of her step is different with someone who enter the raper's room. We don't know if SY get out of her car & up to his room or not. She want to cover SY. Btw, it was another shoes symbol.

I think the cleaning lady was really the murderer but someone gave his/her final touch for his death. So, it still question mark for JW.

and same with the Handphone.

Actually I have a question mark for these scene. Coz I think his handphone already turn off but why on the next scene, we can hear the Magic Castle song. I think the cleaning lady turn on again the phone off screen. And he only gave him sleeping pill.

These 3 person have a miserable life. Hope they can have a happy life after this.

Eun Joo.....
Usually the quota for JMIA is 2 scenes every weeks. But this week, she got 3 scenes. I hope on next episode, she will get more scenes.

Hyun Jung.......
I think HJ has a key for SY's room but he still wait for her to open the door but after he hear SY's panic voice, he decided to open the door.

Hyun Jung....why you suddenly got sick? Maybe because you ride a bike on cold night. Wonder, why he always ride a bike every time he want to see that man. (OMG, forget his name, hahaha....)

OMO....he gave command to this dad-son combo.

Soo Yeon....
I'm waiting for the scenes when JW touch her hair. hehhee.....

She look like a little girl when she show her paint nail. & OMO....right now, her mother love JW more than her. I hope this can give her a reason to change her decision.

Like I write before, she has different nail colour & style on the same night. Hey, finally she hear my words,hahaha......I want red lips than she change it. hahaha.....

Jung Woo.....
I like that he change his tone when he finish his question.

He like to do the opposite with his word.

He has a new hair style for a new beginning. I hope he also do that for his clothes. Want him to wear more colourfull clothes.

Love the 1st pic & why they choose Gangnam Police? hahaha.....

Hahaha....finally I see a scene when the taxi driver got paid.

Yoo Chun.....
Love all his expresion....

and his habit...

Btw, YEH did with the mug, I think it is similar with JW, hahhaa.......the hair, the eye lashes & the tounge. Hahahha.....

So, we will get a revenge & the new beginning for WooYeon couple....

so, is HJ know that his mother still alive?

I think JW sit & listen the conversation between his mom & SY. But, what happen that make SY doesn't leave the room & talking ( I hope they are talking, hehehe.....about kiss, like I write above, I don't think so.

OK......that's it.
There are 4 things before my thoughts:
1. Like last week, this week my post a little late & still like last week, it is because I was busy buying christmas gift plus I got sick.
Btw, coz so far I think the writer still don't want give us the kiss scene. I think we will get the kiss scene on christmas week's eps. Maybe on eps. 15 or 16.
If I'm not wrong, the real kiss scene on SKKS was on eps.17. It really loooonnnggg wait. Like YC said that he want Christmas Baby,
We want Christmas's kiss. hehhe.....I think we will not get the kiss on next episodes (refer to this scene) coz it really not a surprise, I want a surprise kiss like the almost kiss scene from HJ.

2. I want celebrate my 700th posts.
Finally reach this number after not active for a while. It's a big achievement for someone like me who has poor English & usually only active on 1 K-Actor thread. hehehe.....
Btw, coz so far I think the writer still don't want give us the kiss scene. I think we will get the kiss scene on christmas week's eps. Maybe on eps. 15 or 16.
If I'm not wrong, the real kiss scene on SKKS was on eps.17. It really loooonnnggg wait. Like YC said that he want Christmas Baby,
We want Christmas's kiss. hehhe.....I think we will not get the kiss on next episodes (refer to this scene) coz it really not a surprise, I want a surprise kiss like the almost kiss scene from HJ.

2. I want celebrate my 700th posts.

Finally reach this number after not active for a while. It's a big achievement for someone like me who has poor English & usually only active on 1 K-Actor thread. hehehe.....
3. To be honest, eps. 12 was kinda boring without sub & like I post before...I was so sleepy that day because of the medicine I ate. Fortunately I had
a smooth live stream so I can endure. I don't know what will happen if I had bad streaming, maybe I will sleep in front of my laptop, hehhehe....
But after watching with sub, I think it is OK. All scenes are appropriate.
4. Last week I've already thought about Des 19, is IMY will aired or not. Actually I think it is good for not airing on an important date like that.
Like the election date on last April. I don't know why Korean's election always on Wednesday. But it looks like an holiday on mid week.
When I went to Everland, Korea on April 11 (it was the election date for their parlement) & it looks like everybody came to that place.
SO crowded. I think if I live in Korea, I want to enjoy my holiday time & not think about MUST arrived at home on time coz want to watch
my fav. drama, hehhee.....But I hope they will air eps. 13 & 14 on Des 20. (Note: the time I write my post, I'm still don't read newest newsabout

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
and let started.....
at first I want to say HI to this Yellow.

The Relationship....
Jung Wo with his lover....
We got no lovey dovey scene from JW & his lover.....I like that JW still try to act cute.

Maybe this one will be the last hug for them or for a while? I hope not. Let's see who will be the one who will come to see first? JW or his lover. I hope it will be JW, although he try to forget SY, but I hope he still trying to see his lover.

He has so many words to reject her wish but doesn't has a word when he hear that Zoe hate her life as SY.

Jung Woo with his wife......
I think he is the 1st person who say "I Love You" to him, hahahha.....Love the hug & the way he drag him, it is so funny.

He also call Jung Woo "WIFEY" who is the "HUBBY" in this relationship? hehhee.....and the way he try not to say "LSY" is hilarious. He looks like a girl who buy some sweet to his boyfriend to cheer up him, hehehe....

Hey, we got another "TODAY' scene....Jung Woo like a little boy who did a good thing & gave praise from his mom/dad, hahaha.....Btw, I think it must be JW who got drunk than his lover, hahhaa.....

Jung Woo with his "sister" .....
If she doesn't has a real scene with JW, so we will see she carries the BEAR, hehhe....About Aerum's hair, it look like she has changing character. Not cute anymore but more mature but I think she will act cute with JW. hehe....About the right time to change his hair. I think it was the right time. It was not the next day after JW's missing but 2 days after. She knew that her oppa is safely alive. So, I think it is OK if she want to change her hair.

Jung Woo with his Rival.....
I like watch their talk, it's always has tension between this 2 man. To me, the way HJ look at JW at the 3rd pic was funny, hehhee....

WooYeon couple.......
Really love this scene. I think the scene was for fans service, hehehe.....we will don't get the shower scene from Chunie so they gave us this scene. It's really a hilarious scene before HJ interupt. and LOL....the words from JW's lover, hahhaa.....and the way SY hold her cheek.

I like that JW always watch her reaction and he always has response for every her reaction.

Smile when he saw her smile. I like that he realize her different reaction if there is HJ around them.

There is no words between them but it was "eye talk".

Like the symbol, on these episode we got a lot of shoes symbol. Btw, Soo Yeon-ah....why are you hiding like that? JW can see almost all of your body although he has misery.

This time we got words from JW but only face reaction from SY.

I think the reason why JW hug her was it will be his last skinship with her before he let her go and also because SY didn't say a word. So, itgave him a courage to hug her tight.

I like that JW respect her wish & he can let her go.

I like that they said & did the things that don't belong for his/her. It was exchanges. And now they already returning to the person whoactually has it.

I like that JW really try hard to let her go.

Finally, we got words from SY. yeeee.....But SY only ask him 1 question but he asnwer her with a lot of words.

but back to the "normal" thing, we only hear JW"s voice. So, "napkin" still "napkin" in Korean. Btw, actually she can hand him the napkin from acros but it is better scene if she hand him the napkin from his side coz he can see she bring her mom shoes.

I like their eyes talk.

and his decision to let her go but still happy when see her want to visit her mom.

I like that even he can't see her but if he hear something about her, he still look curious.

This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
and the moment when I watch this scene, I had high anticipation for the next scene from WooYeon.

and we got the shoes symbol again. Btw, I like SY's shoes. Actually I made some guess when I saw JW sleep. What will be her reaction? Just look at him (btw, actually I want a scene like on LtM when YEH touch KJH's eyelashes, hehhee......but I know SY doesn't have a courage to touch him. But, never guess about the button symbol. It was really great scene. Coz, it was the 1st time when JW remind her about her "song" . Btw, JW really a good keeper. He keep everything who has meaning for him.

The same question but the different answer.

I like SY's reaction when she thought the button will fall and funny when he grab her skirts, hehehe.....I knew SY will run away when she saw JW already wake up but I thought JW's reaction will be get up & grab her hand. But he still on his lying position so the best way to do was grab her skirts. Fortunately or Unfortunatelly that SY didn't fall to his body, hahaha......

Unfortunately, his mom came. huh.....and btw, why JW get up and look like to want chase her? I think the time when SY close the curtain, he knew her reason.

WooYeon still......
Sleeping Beauty........I like SY's minimalist make up.

I think this white dress will be become the next symbol. Let's see the role of this white dress. How SY's looks if she wear that?

I like that even on that situation, JW still can give her the clue. And SY can understand the meaning of his words.

I think he close his eyes when he heard that Bo Ra is dead, it was because a shock & understanding. He's glad that SY didn't kill herself and still alive.

Aiihhh......we got another suspect. So, who he/she is?

I know that the cleaning lady thought it was SY. But I think the sound of her step is different with someone who enter the raper's room. We don't know if SY get out of her car & up to his room or not. She want to cover SY. Btw, it was another shoes symbol.

I think the cleaning lady was really the murderer but someone gave his/her final touch for his death. So, it still question mark for JW.

and same with the Handphone.

Actually I have a question mark for these scene. Coz I think his handphone already turn off but why on the next scene, we can hear the Magic Castle song. I think the cleaning lady turn on again the phone off screen. And he only gave him sleeping pill.

These 3 person have a miserable life. Hope they can have a happy life after this.

Eun Joo.....
Usually the quota for JMIA is 2 scenes every weeks. But this week, she got 3 scenes. I hope on next episode, she will get more scenes.

Hyun Jung.......
I think HJ has a key for SY's room but he still wait for her to open the door but after he hear SY's panic voice, he decided to open the door.

Hyun Jung....why you suddenly got sick? Maybe because you ride a bike on cold night. Wonder, why he always ride a bike every time he want to see that man. (OMG, forget his name, hahaha....)

OMO....he gave command to this dad-son combo.

Soo Yeon....
I'm waiting for the scenes when JW touch her hair. hehhee.....

She look like a little girl when she show her paint nail. & OMO....right now, her mother love JW more than her. I hope this can give her a reason to change her decision.

Like I write before, she has different nail colour & style on the same night. Hey, finally she hear my words,hahaha......I want red lips than she change it. hahaha.....

Jung Woo.....
I like that he change his tone when he finish his question.

He like to do the opposite with his word.

He has a new hair style for a new beginning. I hope he also do that for his clothes. Want him to wear more colourfull clothes.

Love the 1st pic & why they choose Gangnam Police? hahaha.....

Hahaha....finally I see a scene when the taxi driver got paid.

Yoo Chun.....
Love all his expresion....

and his habit...

Btw, YEH did with the mug, I think it is similar with JW, hahhaa.......the hair, the eye lashes & the tounge. Hahahha.....

So, we will get a revenge & the new beginning for WooYeon couple....

so, is HJ know that his mother still alive?

I think JW sit & listen the conversation between his mom & SY. But, what happen that make SY doesn't leave the room & talking ( I hope they are talking, hehehe.....about kiss, like I write above, I don't think so.

OK......that's it.
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