Finally I can make this one, the last recap for the last episodes..... There are a lot of difficulty to make it, so tired & I had no idea what will I write on the last recaps, hehhee.....but, I think my last recap will be long coz I make a lot of screencap. So, sorry if you open this page, it need a little more time, hehehe.....and of course, forgive me if I don't recap all those scene especially for HJ's scene. So, let's begin......
The Finale of the Journey of Life of Crazy Rabbit.. Han Jung Woo's . It's really funny that SY dressed her mom with like that. Just look at her dress, if I am not wrong, I see rabbit in there. hehehe.....

I use GREEN for the last recap theme colour, like LSY's hand bouquet.....
* GREEN symbolizes life, and a symbol of fertility (As you know JW wants 6 kids. He is a Crazy Rabbit after all hahhaa......and it's OK if they didn't give us the bed scene coz it's too private for me, hahaha.......).
* WHITE ROSES widely used by men to adore woman. A symbol of white roses is true love, purity, sincerity, gentleness, chastity and humility.

but we also have another colour. The usual colour on IMU.

THE CASE......
I'm glad that nobody die on the last episode. HJ said that he has 6 evil figure but only 4 figure were die. I still count 7 figure were die, hehehe....like on the picture. Like Harry Potter, Hwang Mi Ran also got a new life. hehehe.....And I'm glad that for Det. Kim & KHJ's mom, we only got a picture from them, not a death body.

Han Jung Woo ( Park Yoo Chun)....wow...his expression.....and YC can show his taekwondo kick, hehehe.....

and when I saw this, I admit that YC really need a hair cut, hahaha......

haha...I like the way JW interogate and the funny thing is he want to open toppoki shop, hahaha......to be honest, I don't really like toppoki. It's too chewy. My fav Korean food is gogigui aka Korean Barbecue.

Lee Soo Yeon.....
She always wait for JW's phone call, hehe....On the last episodes, we got a lot of the same scene with previous episode. It can be HJW or LSY did or the reverse. You will see a lot on my screencap. I like that the writer did that.

Wonder what did she write or draw? I'm happy that finally SY also thicken the "I MISS YOU" word and she did that everytime she get phone call from JW.

Kang Hyung Joon.....
I like their expression when JW call HJ - Uncle.

Just like her mom & himself that finally he really live on his own Paradise. I also glad that HJ didn't die. Just like my wish. OMO...Did the writer know about our wish? hehhee......So many happen just like our wish.

Han Tae Jun.
How many time HTJ slap HJW on that place? I think JW got 4 slaps.

For HTJ, I'm glad at the end, the punishment for him is Jail. He can think what are his mistakes and when he out of jail, he will be a new man and his relationship with Jung Woo will has a new start.

Hwang Mi Ran.....
She get a new life & it will be better if she change to a new HMR. I'm glad that at the end, her relationship with JW is much2 better. And she can be funny too, hehhee.....

Han Ah Reum........
It's so cute that she imitate JW' quote....everything happen only for TODAY, hehhee.....

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Det. Joo.....
He still has his habit. hehehe.....actually I'm glad at the end, the writer didn't force that everyone must become a couple. I think Eun Joo consider him as her Hyung (oppa). I've watched 1 telenovela when at the end, all character (beside the Lead couple) become/want to be a couple. It's so chessy, hehhee......

and lol...he has a new habit, everytime he see our WooYeon couple, hahaha......

Actually it was a serious scene but I don't know why, I laugh on his run, hahaha.....his run is so funny and I have a complaint, why the sirin must be go off. It really like a notification that "HERE WE COME TO ARREST YOU", hehhee.....

The last time we saw him was the time he denial that HJ abandoned him.

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ooohhh.....I really want to live in Korea coz the car repair is so fast, hahhaa.......on the morning, your window glass is broken but at the night it's repaired. hahaha........

coz the lead male is a detective so this line is necessary.

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so, the red lamp and the purple blanket are also from 14 years ago, hehehe.....The things on IMU are durable.

The same door that JW must open.

THE STORY.......We start from this scene. aaiiihhhh....I'm glad that nothing happen with them with a lot of gangster member like that. I like that JW always protected to her.
and his call for HJ....wow.

Like happened 14 years ago, this time SY is the one who ask JW to get HJ.

I like that SY said it's ok to leave her and JW said that He will be back. That's his promise that he will never leave her again.

Love this scene.....I like that JW very comfortably sleep on her lap. Btw, I remember this....the 1st time grown up JW pinch the clothes peg on SY's hair was on eps. 15 and that episode was aired on 121227. But on that scene YEH must act sleep. So, that's why when YC pinch the clothes peg on MBC Award, she smile like that....Embarrased but happy. hahha........And we also thought that YC touch EH's lap and that's why, on this scene he really looks comfortable, hahaha.......
I also like the way SY played with his hair ( I want this scene and I got it) and also love the way JW touch her hair. Btw, for the close up like that, we can see YC's eyelashes, hehhee......

The same act but different lines.....why this two like to hit floor? hehhee.....

These scenes are repetition from 14 years ago.
The same question......

The same answer......

The repetition but this time it is the reverse.

The same question but the different answer. When SY said that's she's not cold, it is because she just experience the happiest day on her life.
Different with JW, he got 2 slaps from his dad & finally admit that it's humiliating become HTJ's son.

I like that SY remember her mom's word, if JW said "I Miss You" , that means something happened. So, she knows that this time she must be the healing for JW.

and everytime they have conversation on phone, there must be that word......I MISS YOU.

Than we got SY's healing way.
The same word, the same shocked but with different atmosphere.

The same act & scarf but different person who initiate the healing.

I really like that SY remember all JW did on the playground. This couple really a good reminder, hehehe....

I think it's kinda hard up to the slide like that, hehhee......and I think I see YEH's smile when she sing Magic Castle.

The same smile when heard that song.

I like that they will block the wind for each other.

For all those scene, actually I hope that I' will see another surprise kiss but I think it is good that no kiss for these scene. These scene are their promise to each other for their future.
And there is a reason why SY wear that orange colour. Younger SY also wear that colour when she went to the playground.
The color symbolizes full of hope and confidence, inspiring, vitality and creativity. Can lead to positive feelings, happy, cheerful and optimistic, full of energy, can reduce depression / distress.
Than we got a surprise scene. It is so funny that I want a wedding scene but never expected about the proposal scene, hehhee.....
So, EH? is that your own question? hehhee......

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When I heard JW's word about the yellow umbrella & their kids...my mind was.....OMO.....Is he want to proposed?.....then he kneel down......OMO....
The funny thing is I can't read YC's face, hahhaa.....yeah, I write YC not JW. hehe.....

I like that the 1st thing JW said was " Miss Flowery Dress"......that is his call for SY when they start their friendship.
The 2nd thing is "Crazzyrabbit Girlfriend".....coz SY become JW's girlfriend when their older & that is JW's nickname on his job.
The 3rd thing is "Han Jung Woo's first love".......I really like when JW said that, the camera focus on his face. It is the diclosure of his feeling. So, we must to see his face expression.

Then we got the last RED. The symbol of LOVE. Finally JW give the real answer/ act for SY's question.

I also like that SY not give a standard answer, hehhee.....I like her voice when she said " I hope...the first snow fall comes early"....
She is so READY to be HJW's real WIFE, hehhee.....

Love their HAPPY SMILE......and the way they look each other...

So, ChunHye shipper....just imagine on this scene and later sweet scene are ChunHye couple not WooYeon couple, hahaha.......

lol at this scene, it's been so long that JW didn't kiss her, hahhaa.....so, when she said "WAIT"......lol at YC's face. hahaha.....

ooohhh...I've never expected that SY will give JW her rings....

and lol on JW's face when he got shocked. hahhaa.....

I like that SY use JW's word, stop for today. Their hug is a relief and happy hug.

I think the hug is a little longer, hehehe....coz Det. Joo already on that place for a few second but SY didn't let go her hug.

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For this scene, imagine that YC ask this question to JJ, hahaha.....and that also JJ's answer, lol......I see YC's gaze when he heard that answer and look at EH's face. hehehe....

Aiigoooo....I think I will be like Det. Joo when see this, hahhaa......Love their Eye Talk.

So Yoo Chun, coz you prefer kiss on the cheek, that's you got, hehehe.....lol on his lips & I see YC's smile on that scene. hehe....

Than we got these scene.
I like that the ending for episode 20 was this scene. He leave her 14 years ago and now he's back to save her.

On situation like that, eye talk really important.

Intense scene has begun.....

I think SY keep this memory really deep on her mind thats why she had reaction like that. When back to the place that she really want to forget than all the memory has come back.

The crying scene from this Three.

The exppression from this three.

I like that JW always ask her to lift up her head, no matter what happen, she must lift up her head.

Finally we heard the deepest feeling of his heart.

When JW said it all, SY's eyes always look to him and it's so pity for HJ that SY didn't look at him at all.

After the shoot misses and she heard JW said why HJ didn't kill him, finally SY back to her own and said her apology. Yeah, because HJ consider JW as a family that's why HJ've never want to kill him.

ooohhhh....stupid red light......

and because of that and also his envy to JW make HJ had a decision to take SY also to his own paradise.

This line is so real, people always envy for the good things but never see more deep that actually everyone has bad things.

Like all his word on this scene.

and because those word, SY back to 15 years old SY that she will protect JW no matter what happened.

But Soo Yeon, no way that JW will ask you to sacrifice your life like that. I think that time HJ really want to kill JW after heard all SY's words.

and the most painful was although HJ also got shoot, SY never look at him at all.

I'm so happy that we got this scene. I don't know if the writer change the story or not. Just imagine those scene from trailer is just a dream.
The woman beside HJ was really SY coz she ready to sacrifice her life for JW and that's why HJ cry like that.
and JW also ready to sacrifice his life for SY.

Than we got this scene. Although they didn't show us a scene SY knit that but we got a glimpse for that. Writernim really know what I want, hahhaa......I want a scene when SY wait JW at hospital. She knit that red scarf.

ooohhhh....I like that they always shoot from the shoes (btw, I like her shoes)...and the yellow umbrella really could be used, hehehe....

than the shoot up to her body and her face after she hear her name. Love the 1st thing JW said is LEE SOO YEON.....

Like that SY use the word "SLEEP"...I think on this scene when YC got his asthma....

ooohhh....JW, that's why you must awake soon....Don't make SY worried.

and here we go again, just like on this scene....

This time SY is the one who want to hear his voice call her name. So, Eun Hye, did you heard the sound of YC's heart? hahaha....

What will be your reaction if YC call your name like these? hehhee....

After that we got these scene.....OMO....it was cute scene. HJW with her 5 woman.

I don't know if we get the right translation or not coz I think it is Fried Chicken NOT Roasted Chicken, hehhee....and what is that on YC's chin?

oohh...Jung Woo, ypu already ask them to sit so why you ask your girl specifically? hahaha....someone must be jealous to hear that. hehehe...

I don't know about Korean ID but I think SY's birthday is 840712. So, is there any BOGOers have the same birthday date with SY? hehhee....
I like that they use the aired date - 130117 when finally SY get her ID.

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and this scene really funny, hahaha.....Jung Woo, you want a kiss for your reward? hahaha....THANKS is not enough, hehehe....

lol....his Aein really like to hit his head and this time also his lips, hahaha.....

birthday for everyone, hehehe....

All smile on this scene really looked sincerely.

1st snowfall means WE GET MARRIED.

This scene really funny, I already laughed when he walk with the bouquet, hahaha.....fortunately, he realize that the bouquet is belong the bride not the groom, hehhee....

and lol....JW remember to said this, hahhaa....

Finally I know why he walks very slowly coz he counts it. if I am not wrong, 13 is @vzmeiin fav. number. You got your fav. number on the very important scene, hehehe....

Good Job YooChunnie.....you give a funny & serious looks just a blink of eye.

I love that SY wear that RED CLOTHES PEG. No more Yellow, they already get more step from Friendship Level. This time is LOVE level.

so, how long? For 14 years she already wait for this day.

On the future, they will share anything.


ooo, they really use SY's rings this time, hehehe...

And I love their wedding kiss scene coz kiss on the lips will be happen on their real wedding, hahahaha......

also for this one......Their 1st snowfall wedding is understandable coz you don't know when it will happen.

To be honest, I am not a cry baby so I've never cry on every sad scene on IMU but I cry for this scene. His thanks for his MOM/GIRLFRIEND/MOM-IN LAW.

especially this......JW never said I LOVE YOU to SY. He said LOVE only on his mind.

Erase your bad memory, let's make a good memory.

Then we got younger HJW, LSY & KHJ on the pararel time.
I think this is the 1st time when the younger actor come again to act on the final episode. It's only 3 months but KSH & YJG look a little different. Just like YC & EH.

Imagine if we got this scene with grown up WooYeon couple? I think we will get another triple kiss. On the EYES, NOSE and LIPS, hahahaha.....


No matter what happened and on which life, soulmate always would've fell in love....

and until the end, this will be JW's secret.

After all, yes.....LSY's mom is the one whom become CUPID for them.

The ending for eps. 20 & 21 really a paralel....JW open the door which he afraid of to come back for SY then JW walk with SY to face their new life as a couple.

The last image from our WooYeon couple which we must remember & imagine that as a ChunHye couple pics, hehehe.....

and that's it....our journey on IMU.


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